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Thread: Duke3DS - Duke Nukem 3D for DS

  1. #31


    I've read many of the threads from March 07 to present about this project and I really like the progress you are making.

    I think using the touch screen for looking/aiming would help in the game play. (using Quake DS as a model) also a touch keypad (like quake ds) would be great.

    Sound definitely needs improvement, but it's a great start. I honestly would take Sound improvement over the controls right now because it is still very playable (control wise)

    Would also like to be able to access the menu.

    Again GREAT WORK and please keep it up! It's much appreciated- give us updates on the progress. =)

  2. #32
    DCEmu Newbie K1ckass's Avatar
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    First of all, great work GPF on porting the legend of games Duke Nukem to the NDS! As a kid I played this game non-stop and showed it off to all my friends, it was so cool. Finally, there's time to relive those moments on the NDS, thx!

    Second, is it just me, or does the save game function not work?
    I see no replies of other ppl reporting this bug, so I'm not quite sure.
    When I use the save game function, the nds seems to freeze and do nothing at all.
    Does anyone else experience this bug?

    Thx again GPF!

    Respect & greets,

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by K1ckass View Post
    is it just me, or does the save game function not work?
    I do have the same problem while saving. But still great job GPF :thumbup:

  4. #34
    DCEmu Newbie superduffman2's Avatar
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    Talking net code

    Hi all, Just to let you know I'm making progress with the network code. I'm still a bit off, but getting there.

    P.s. dont ask about progress.. I'll post when I have more

  5. #35
    DCEmu Coder GPF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagNetCZ View Post
    Hm I guess the only way to radically improve the framerate would be to use the DS's hardware 3D capabilities eh? Maybe porting over the OpenGL version or something.

    Also adding my cfg file with tweaked controls. It plays a bit more like the other FPSs on the DS so the controls are as follows:

    Dpad Up: Move forwards
    Dpad Down: Move backwards
    Dpad Left: Strafe left
    Dpad Right: Strafe right
    L Shoulder: Shoot
    R Shoulder: Jump
    B: Crouch
    X, A: Cycle weapons
    Tap screen: Use
    To look around use the touchscreen. It's still moving forward and backward if you move the stylus up and down tho.

    Of course some item buttons around the screen wouldn't hurt one bit.

    And about the mouselook, wasn't it dropped out from the GP2X version or something? And if full mouselook can't be done at least try to fix the current mousemove so it doesn't move or rotate on tap. Looking forward to the next version.
    Was playing this today and went into the Control Menu , More Movement , Mouse Aim and clicked on the touchscreen which set it to C(mapped to clicking touchscreen) and it works


  6. #36
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Sweet, so does this mean you're planning on working on it? Someone told me you had other projects going on, so you wouldn't be working on this for a while.

    P.S. Great port, hope you keep working on it, Thanks.

  7. #37
    DCEmu Rookie
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    I have to say that this was the reason I made an account here! Now I just need to practice aiming! LOL Thanks a lot for the port and looking forward to updates! :thumbup:

  8. #38


    Firt create a folder named Duke3d in the root of your microsd card. Then place only this files you download from this page DEFS.CON---duke3d.cfg---GAME.CON---USER.CON---Duke3d.nds and if u dont have an r4 of m3 flashcard and u need the patch place it in the root of ur microsd. Then....CRITICAL STEP you need to google a file named -----duke3d.grp---- put google "duke3d.grp file" chose THE FIRTS google LINK, enter the page, go down then click in a link named "1.3dSHAREWER GRP " download it you will download an ---1.3dsharewerdatafileonly.exe---, rename it as Extract the files and rename the file extracted as duke3d.grp. Finish enjoyy

  9. #39
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I'm looking forward to updates...

    It's quite odd how the DS's 3D acceleration has troble running old "3D" games like duke nukem...
    The DS runs Quake perfectly, so why does it have trouble with DN? I guess it just needs more coding...

  10. #40
    DCEmu Coder Sektor's Avatar
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    This version of Duke3D doesn't use 3D hardware and neither did the original. I think there is an OpenGL version that could be ported but it wouldn't be easy.

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