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Thread: I got my PC back today

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    Wink I got my PC back today

    Finally, after many months of being separated from my beloved PC, we are once again reunited. It's a rather long story why this is, before, I've been hesitant to talk about it, but I guess now would be a good time to do so so now you'll all know what kind of s@#% been going on with me lately, and it's REALLY got me f@#%ed up If you're going to read this whole post, grab some popcorn and some soda, this is going to be longer then what it needs to be. Oh yeah, if you don't want to read the drama part, just skip down to the last to paragraphs :lol:

    It all started when my big brother got out of jail this year. My mom was renting out one of her houses to me. So my mom wanted to move in with me and go half on the utilities/rent. I knew from square one this is not going to end well. At first, he wanted to live with this girl who has AIDS (and last I heard still does) and she even lied to him about that s@#%. So he stayed there until he eventually got kicked out of there from a big fight. Then with no where else to f@$%ing go, he dragged his ass to my house. So it began ok but I could tell that things were going to be going downhill very soon.

    It was a good thing that he had helped me reorganize the house and fix up a few things, but his lifestyle and mine don't mix. The trouble begins with his so called "music studio". My brother is really into that rap/hip hop bulls@#%. He was constantly begging me for one of my computers so he could make beats on it. So to shut his ass up, I gave him my old PC used for playing old Win9x and DOS games. It even had a 3dfx Voodoo 3 in it. But I took that out and replaced it with a crappy ATI Rage 3D Pro (8 MB). It pissed me off that he wouldn't get off my f@$%ing nuts about it and had the nerve to start getting a tone even though I was doing him the damn favour. So he gets his studio set up and all is good for him. Then he starts inviting all sorts of strange people in the house and they are just bumping up that rap music so loud even though I'm in the attic, I can't concentrate on programming! This s@#% got really annoying, really fast. So instead of getting a job, he calls himself making and selling songs 'n s@#%. That's fine, but while he's barely making any damn money off of it, I'm the one paying all of the f@#%ing bills because he wouldn't get a damn job! He eventually becomes a bill himself. Before he got here, I could easily stretch $20 USD for gas two weeks between each payday. Driving him around was expensive, I would have half a tank of gas, and it would be gone by the end of 2 days. F@#%ing expensive, and inefficient >.>

    My mom wanted this house to be a smoke/alcohol free, and initialally abided by those rules. Eventually, my brother began smoking in the house and drinking all the time too. I hate cigarette smoke and the way it smells. I tried telling "mommy" about it, but even though "mommy" dealt with him, he still did/does it anyway. Liqour bottles everywhere, some filled with cigarette butts. Needless to say, I couldn't stand that s@#%. His ass reeked of marijuana, and alcohol 24/7. The house smelled like that all the time too. :spy:

    I'm sure after reading this paragraph, you'll realize how "nice" of a guy I can be, and how it's exploited as a weakness. Now, since my brother never got himself a job, he would always be hitting me up for cash and some of my tech. Now... I lent him over $200 dollars so far and he still hasn't made any effort to pay me back. I am/was a hard working man trying to make it and keep the bills paid so we could have water, electricity, and internet (because I simply can't live without it). I remember he used to wake me up in the middle of the night asking for favours, rides, and mostly... money. This s@#% was really pissing me off!!! But I was too nice to turn down a chance to help my bretheren. So almost everytime, I gave in and went along. One time, he wanted me to drive him to that girl's house (the one with AIDS) and drive him to the liquor store. It was 00:35 (12:35 AM Central Time US)! Yet I did it anyway. Like I said before, I was pissed! What makes it more frusterating is that he wants me to help him live his street life, and he's not willing to get a job and help himself (my brother says he tries, but we know not hard enough >.>). What else? He's always asking to use my stuff. Like my stereo, my PS2, scanner, TV, clothes, games, etc. He's always nagging me about that PS2 more than anything I mean come on, it's my PS2!!!! Get your own if you want one so bad! He knows he wouldn't get away with using my Xbox (anymore) because if something happens to my Xbox because of him, my reaction would make front page news from here to Russia! And his perception of me being his personal tech support guy is highly annoying. Ok, let's say I'm upstairs working on Cxbx, Xenoborg, or anything else coding related, he's calling me for all kinds of s@#% like "how do you do this" and "how do you do that". I've showed him a million times and yet he STILL won't learn, but just have me do it and won't get off my nuts until I do. I know some of you would have told his ass "look here brother, I'm not a f@#%ing bank, I'm not a f@#%ing loan shark, I'm not a f@#%ing five-finger discount electronic store, and I'm not your b@#%$! I pay the bills, I'm the one who keeps food on the table, gives you rides to your f@#%ing gf's house! And I'm the one who takes care of your lazy ass!" I should have said that s@#% a long time ago, but oh well...

    The story doesn't end there, hell, this story is just getting started... :dead:

    Now, let's go back to that one girl with AIDS and two kids (the one he calls his gf). Now, this girl is not a bad person overall (she repects me and vice versa), but these two are not meant to be together, both socially and legally. My brother's parole agreement doesn't allow him to hang out with anyone with a criminal record (which she does have), does that stop them? No. Now these two are always fighting 'n s@#% and in the end, it just ends up being more dirty work for me and "mommy". Whenever they fight, he either leaves and goes back, or drags me into it. One time it began when he spilled a pitcher of Koolaid on her. I don't exactly remember what he did after that though. Then there was a big ass argrument over some pointless s@$^ as usual. So eventually she calls the cops trying to get him back in jail. So he calls me at about 4 AM (Central Time USA) and I came and got him before the cops found him. So I evaded the cops and risked getting myself thrown in jail just because he was not smart enough to listen to us and stay away from her! I went back there trying to recover our stuff, but she said that she was going to toss all of his s@#%, but at least she gave my copy of Red Hat Linux 9 and my PS2 back. Then she told me the story about how the fight began and that she never wants to see my brother again. I was thinking "yes, this so called relationship has went strait to hell where it f@#%ing belongs and my brother is safe again from getting AIDS and going back to jail."

    After that, the stuff I was telling you about before started happening. Eventually my brother got himself a new gf. This one was a much better match from my brother. She does no drugs that I know of and she has 2 kids, but they are both babies. This girl felt like part of the family to me because she was so nice to us. So I had no problem with her at all and things were ok. But then, the unexpected happened, I found him back with the AIDS girl! WTF?! I asked him what was up with that s@#% and he said that they were just being friends, no relations. So I said ok. I took them all out to the mall (no biggie because I wasn't paying for anything) and my brother bought the kids some new shoes and we had a good time. Eventually, I noticed that he was spending more time with the AIDS girl than the other one. I asked him "what happened to Andrea?" Then he said that he needed a break from her. From then on, I knew something was up. One day I found him kissing on the AIDS girl. I asked him if he was getting back with her, and he said she's just a back up. WTF?! Having 2 gfs is a dangerous game (especially here in USA). No wonder men are disregarded as relationship material here I don't know if one of them found out about each other, but damn, will that be one big ass mess :/

    I remember one night I was working on Cxbx trying to fix Myst III and DOAV upstairs in my room and him and his friends are having some sort of party in his room downstairs. I didn't even know about it until I heard some banging against the walls. At first I ignored it and kept coding. Then I heard it again, along with some yelling. I continued to ignore it and yet again continued to code the night away. I started hearing yet again, only this time it was louder. I came downstairs to get to the bottom of this s@#%. When I can't concentrate on my work, I get pissed, and I mean REALLY pissed! I stood by the door of his room and I heard someone being thrown all over the room. I instantly knew what was going on, as well as who's fighting in there... my brother and the AIDS girl. Hold on a sec, "pissed" is not the word to describe how mad I was, more like enraged! I continued to stand outside the door and listen to what they were saying. More and more they fought and cussed at each other. Eventually someone opened the door and saw me standing there. I saw one girl walking out smoking some weed! The smell of liquor, cigarette smoke, and marijuana was VERY strong and it hit me like a sack of bricks. The rest of them except my brother and the AIDS girl walked out of the room. Now one of the guys knew I was mad and he realized that I was not the kind of man that would hit a girl or allow anyone else to do so. My brother said he was sorry and said he'd never do it again. Most of the guests left except the AIDS girl. They continued to talk in his room with the door open this time. At first they were just laughing, then they started arguing again. She was like "I know you let someone nut in your mouth in prison..." and s@#% like that. No physical fighting though. So eventually I take her home and I go to bed. Now, if you think about it, this is the second time I could have went to jail because of my ****ing brother. Let's say the neighbours decide to call the cops. Everyone in there would be going to jail including me even though I had no idea what was going on in there and I don't smoke weed.

    If you think that $#@! is wild, listen to these crazy ass stories. Let's take another trip back into the story. We're going back to the "brother and AIDS girl fight round 2 that involves me helping him evade the cops and risk getting my ass thrown in jail with him" part of the story. Not too long after that, (or sometime around that time area, I don't remember exactly when) he brought some girl in the house and told me not to go downstairs. I asked why but he wouldn't tell me. At the time I didn't know that there was a new girl downstairs. I found out because I went downstairs anyway. I called myself going to sleep and I was awakened by the sound of them having sex on my living room couch! I was kind of mad (as usual). So they kept on f@#$ing and I didn't interrupt because I wouldn't want anyone interrupting me during a good f@#%. I let this offense go, too easily IMO. I mean wtf? How dare you bring some unidentified girl in my house and start ****ing her and telling me to stay upstairs?? This is my house bitch! MY HOUSE! After they finished, I watched another car pull up in front of the house and they got in one of the cars already parked in front of my house. I went back to bed. The next stunt he pulled like this involved the AIDS girl. One night when my brother didn't know I was home, he brought her in and started to f@#%ing her. I knew he was because when you **** a girl, she makes lots of noise and it's impossible NOT to hear it throughout the house. Eventually, they found out I was home, listening to the whole intimate encounter. They started arguing again. My brother said "Hey, I didn't know he was home. I didn't see his car..." and "You know what Kenya, **** you!" So I eventually had to take her home AGAIN just to keep the peace. I'm sure he did more f@#%ing behind my back. I know because I found lots of condoms in his room. Now who in their right mind would have sex with someone who has AIDS?? Do you want AIDS yourself, maybe so... you're f@#%ing her >.>

    So basically he's been trying to take over the house and run my ass over. Not happening! I remember the day he tried to move one of his friends in here. I strait up told him NO. This house is for me and you to stay in, no one else. I respect my mother's wishes and rules! This property is her's, not mine, or yours dammit! He for once obeyed me and there was no trouble. I trust no one with my stuff! Not even him...

    Now, here's what I called "the last straw" (sorry, the story doesn't end after this paragraph ). Now the car I was driving was not mine, it was my uncle's. He entrusted it to me so I could get to work and back and forth to the university. Now he wants me to drive him everywhere so he can run the streets trying to be "cool" with his $#@!s. It constantly drags me into his lifestyle and I don't want to be a part of it. Many times he asked for the car keys. There were a few times I let him use it though, and I knew I wasn't supposed to let him use it. It was late at night usually, and he usually uses this same, lame ass excuse "It's xx:xx time at night, who the hell is going to see me? No one lives on that street we know." I eventually gave him the keys to get him off my nuts again. One time, he did get caught with the car before, so I knew he'd eventually get caught again. I am one of the most trust worthy people in my entire family. That means something to me when someone can trust me with the keys to their car. One time I was at my cousin's house and it's about 10:00 PM. He calls my cousins house in the middle of us watching wrestling. He was asking me to take him somewhere (I think it was the AIDS girl's house again). So I go home after wrestling is over, and my cousin follows me to my house to make sure everything is ok. So I walk in the house and he wants the keys to the car. I told him no. Then he goes on with that lame ass excuse again. He got caught before and he will get caught again. Then he uses that lame excuse yet again. I mean, what part of "hell f@#%ing no" don't you understand?? I still told him no saying "you don't know who the hell could be on that road". Then he eventually gets mad and starts b@#%&ing some more. I was mad too, so to show my anger I kicked some stuff over. After that, he shuts his ass up and I give him that measly $2 back that he called "gas money". I mean wtf?? $2 won't even get you a ****ing gallon anymore! I walk outside and tell my cousin what happened. Then my brother tells me "I heard what you said to Matt". I was thinking, good, you needed to hear some of that s@#%. Then he says, "You know what, f@#% you... " and some other s@#% like that. So he storms into the house and I leave to go spend the night at Matt's apartment. I didn't go back there for a while.

    Eventually I go to my grandma's house and she let's me stay with her. I grab my stuff (some of it at least) and I settle in. A week later he tries to say he's sorry about it. I forgive him (like I do everybody, no matter what), but I still was mad. At the other house, things are going downhill fast. The bills were falling behind, the phone and internet were disconnected, and the rent for the refrigerator wasn't getting paid. At this time he had a job (finally!), but things were going strait to hell over there fast.

    Now, I've been here for about 2+ months, maybe more. I'm ok and my brother is continuing to mooch off of others. My brother is 29 years old, twenty nine almost 30 years old, been kicked out of every place he's ever stayed in! Now that s@#% is f@#%ing sad. :???: Eventually, he starts to pull the same s@#% with me again. Wanting to borrow money and use my PS2. I went too soft as to let him use my PS2 again. I gave him $16 dollars as a Christmas present all because I had the Christmas spirit. He still has my stereo, and my scanner (who knows where that is now), and I want that s@#% back! Now about my computer. It's been over there the whole time. I told him not to let anyone touch it. He said he hasn't let anyone up there. I "sort of" believed him if at all. I went back over there and found out that he wasn't living there, but one of his friends was living there. The fridge I was renting was not there anymore, and the stove was gone too. The house was a complete sty! Liquor bottles with cigarette butts everywhere. I went upstairs and it was also a sty. I saw a liquor bottle up stairs on my computer desk that still had some liquor in there. My CD's were scattered all over the desk and many of my blank DVDs were missing! This was just one of my computers. Now, onto the other one in my bedroom. I saw some of my PC games on the floor. Someone had been trying to play my Chrome SpecForce game! And I found my freedom fighters CD case was out of the box. Some of my other games had been picked through. My incredible Hulk game was out of place. I know how I left my room and my games!!! Damn. Damn Damn Damn! The next day (which is today) I got most of my computer tech out and over to my grandma's. There are 2 more computers over there, but I'll have to get those later.

    It turns out my brother was trying to put the fridge in his name, and rent the house out himself. WTF?? He doesn't even own it! oO That's retarded as hell! oO So once again, he's ****ed up that house, got me further in debt, and ruined my credit even more! Damn, this sucks. My brother does this s@#% almost every time he gets out of jail. ****s me and my mom up, ruins my credit somehow, and gets his ass back in jail. Hell it it weren't for me on numerous occasions, he'd be in jail right now! Doesn't it suck when your family ****s you up? Here I am trying to save my money and trying to get back to Seattle, WA, USA in hopes to be in a better place to live and hopefully start a 3rd party gamedev company if all goes well. But no, he's been using me and my money, and ruining my credit. That's f@#%ed up. I say he's better off in jail if he's going to be putting us through f@#%ing hell. At this rate, he will go back to jail and if he does we won't be visiting him. He's been to jail to many time for me to keep track of. So I just quit counting and caring a long time ago. I don't need someone weighing me down now, if he wants to sink, sink alone! I don't give a f@#%! And yet, the drama continues.

    So... now you know the whole story of why I haven't been on IRC, MSN, and sometimes not even here, on NGEmu, or GeneralEmu, etc.. My life is quite rough right about now, and I'm just fighting day by day trying to get my head above water. I'm doing ok right now and I'm still trying to get my PS2 back (which he said he'd be returning today along with my Xbox controller). I'm still mad at his ass and I need to cut his ass off now. I've been too damn nice as it is, and now I'm going to get mean. And believe me, when I get mean in IRL, things get out of hand, and all hell breaks loose. I'm like Vegeeta from DBZ, but only more destructive.

    Ok, now that the drama section of my post is over now I can start talking about my PC. It's hooked up and running again. No longer am I forced to use crappy ass Vista! Woo Hoo! :thumb:

    Now I can finally get back to work on my coding related projects. I'm so glad now. So now, I have no excuse not to be working on Cxbx or Xenoborg And that's why you haven't been seeing any news/updates from me. Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    Now THAT'S a rant.

    You put me to shame, I tip my hat to you sir.

  3. #3
    PS3 User Napalm-Death's Avatar
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    Man, I hope things turn out well for you.

  4. #4


    Holy $#@!, this is a long post.

    I wish you the best of luck man.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro Johnny Rash's Avatar
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    You want I should "take care" of your brother and the AIDS girl?

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend DarthPaul's Avatar
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    Oh My God, too freaking long for me to read.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Pro
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    Really a tragic story. I, too, hope things will work out for you ...

  8. #8
    The Filipino Guy kcajblue's Avatar
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    man, that really was a read.
    i was halfway through and i thought i was finished, then i scrolled down and saw the other half. lol.

    but to your story.
    dont worry for not being on dude.
    if you have that much going on you should be sorting things out.
    thats no time to be working on coding things.

    i say you should tell him whats on your mind and threaten to cut him off if he doesnt straighten up.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newsposter Triv1um's Avatar
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    Lol.... Grandma.
    PSN (PS3/PS4/Vita)/NintendoID - Triv1umx
    Steam - Rjinswand
    Runescape - Rjinswand

  10. #10


    Thanks for the positive inputs. I could have made the story longer, but I wanted to spare you of that :P

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