Print magazines can still attract the millions currently getting their gaming news from YouTube.
That’s according to the team behind One Gamer Interactive, who hope to attract a digital-savvy audience with this new iPad publication.
“It’s no big secret that print magazines don’t have the strong mainstream presence that they used to, as people look more to their smartphones rather than a newsagent for their information. So the move into a more focused digital marketplace is a natural progression for us,” said editor Ian Collen.
“There’s a move towards the immediacy and creativity found in a video-dominated landscape, but I still believe that there’s a market for magazines among the YouTube generation – though clearly there’s scope for magazines to adapt to suit a more tech-savvy audience, which is where One Gamer Interactive comes in.
“There’s still a place for well-written editorial that people can sit down with and enjoy at their own pace, rather than being shouted at in two-minute chunks. Our plan is to strike a balance between the two.”