Jakob Riedl offers the 0.95 version of " WinDS "reimplementation of the Windows XP operating system for the Nintendo DS. This utility has the distinction of running your own lua coded application, why just copy your script directly on your microSD in FAT.
New Version Out! WinDS is a reimplementation of the OS Windows (R) XP (R) on the Nintendo DS Platform. Since i started coding Apps for the NDS, my goal WAS to write a program, called Expired WinDS, Does All which (nearly) the same as the real appy by Microsoft. In contrast to other little-NDS Operating Systems, etc. just like Woopsi. you can code your own Application in Lua for WinDS: just copy the code onto the FAT-Disk and execute it from within WinDS! This is What Makes WinDS so unique. The New Beta 0.95 is out, it features - 52 Classes That Are Within Lua already available - 25 different kinds of user interface classes - 8 different predefined dialogs Which Makes It the perfect sandbox for DS GUI. PS : More time without update means: next update Will Have Even More improvements, as i am still Developing
