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Thread: Lego Master Completes 30-Pound Star Wars Starship Model

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Forum Lego Master Completes 30-Pound Star Wars Starship Model

    via Gizmodo

    After a mammoth building session, Lego master Mark Kelso has just recently put the last brick on his model of the Invisible Hand, General Grevious' ship from Star Wars Episode III. Yes, that photo of him and his model is to scale—it's frickin' massive. It took an equally massive 9 months to build too.

    The completed ship is 231 studs long (that's almost 73 inches, for us non-Lego-geeks), 41 studs wide and weighs about 30 pounds. It's packed with attention to detail that has to be seen to be believed, down to different antenna sizes dotted around the tower and complex engine-plumbing. Mark's decision to avoid too many exposed studs must have added considerably to both the expense and building time, but has resulted in something that looks almost like a prop from a Lucas' set.

    Whether you think "dedication to hobby" or "Lego nutcase in action", you've got to admit its pretty awesome. Now, who on Earth would think of taking on a project like that?

    Photographs here

  2. #2
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Wonder what he is going to do with that?

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