Via drunkencoders

A new version of the great Open Source Spider Solitaire DS game is out: v3.1.0

The main change is smoother graphics, and a particle-fireworks system.

Complete change log
- Added a Particle-system for Fireworks when completing a game
- Added animation when Dealing
- Added animation when selected cards are dropped on an invalid pile
- Fixed bug; Clicking to deal when no cards left to deal would still go
through the motions, playing the sound and internally updating the
deal data
- Fixed bug; Black squares appearing when too many cards on screen
- Fixed bug; Flashed white before smooth-fading out after win
- Fixed bug; Dealing an Ace onto a King-2 pile would not release the
pile as complete
- Compiled under DevkitARM r21 and libnds 20071023

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