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Thread: Running Emulation and Homebrew FAQ

  1. #1
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    Exclamation Extremely Outdated guide, but it will still show you how to install homebrew for 1.5

    Running Emulation and Homebrew FAQ
    By Kaiser
    *All dates in dd/mm/yy format*

    Okay then after numerous threads started on the same thing I have decided to make a faq of my own. Hope it helps stop those damn threads. I tried to number them in importance and by how much they are asked. I made it as simple as I could without pictures for dial-up users.

    1.What firmware versions can currently run homebrew and emulators?

    At this point in time only 1.0 and 1.5 can run full scale homebrew. However major strides on version 2.0 have gotten a lot of programs to work now through the Fanjita's eboot loader

    2. How do I know which firmware version I have?

    Turn on your PSP without a UMD in it and then go to settings. Then go down to where it says System settings and hit X. Then go down until you reach system information and hit X. It should come up with information about your MAC Address, System Software and your chosen Nickname. If the system software comes up as either 1.0 or 1.5 you are in luck and prepare for lots of fun. If you have v1.51,v1.52 or 2.0 you'll have to do a little more work but you can still play homebrew and/or emulators eventually

    3.What equipment do I need to get homebrew on to PSP?

    Well your going to need either a flash memory card duo reader or a USB cord. I reccomend the USb cord for its simplicity.

    4. I got everything plugged in what next for my 1.5?

    Okay you need to put everything in this directory. /PSP/GAME/
    The PSP folder should be in your root folder of your Memory Stick. On windows Xp your PSP memory card will come up as a removable device. Just look for it via My Computer.

    A) The first way is to Use either Kxploit or something a long the lines of SEI PSP tool. These tools are simple to use and some of these automatic programs allow you to edit icons and/or hide corrupted data from your PSP's menu. I don't have either on my computer at this moment so Just go on to google and search them. If you have trouble with these programs just PM me and I will try to help you, however try everything before you PM and do it as a last resort only. Otherwise I'll be swamped by everyone needing help.

    B)The "harder" and manual way of doing this is to name the folders by yourself. Say you want to get Sougens excellent PSP Genesis on your PSP you'd copy all appropiate art files and the EBOOT.PBP. Now create a folder Called Genesis in the /PSP/GAME/ directory. Now paste those files into that folder. After that place a "Roms" folder inside that and put your corresponding roms inside that. Now go back to the /PSP/GAME/ directory and create a new folder named Genesis%. this folder will act as a dummy folder which will launch your emulator copy the ebbot and place it in there as well. For all homebrew you will be required to make a dummy folder with a % sign at the end of it. You need to place the EBOOT.PBP file in it but you dont need any others.

    5. What about my 1.0?

    Simply throw Emulators in there own folder in the /PSP/GAME/ directory. Easy as that.

    6. Where do I get roms?

    Never ask this on these forums. Simply find out on your own. You should now how to "search" these things by now. My car seems to need a new "engine".

    7. I stupidly upgraded. Are you sure there are no emulators or homebrew for 1.5x and/or 2.0?

    There is two options being a 1.5x/2.0 user.

    A)Downgrade to 1.5. Check this thread here.

    B)You can use Fanjita's eboot loader. this thing is great and runs approximately 85% of the available homebrew and emulators. Click here to open up my eboot loader section or you can just scroll down to post number three.

    8. I can't get X rom to work please help me.

    If that version of the rom doesn't work try another. Many roms out there are corrupted and don't work. Sometimes in rare cases a Rom version doesn't work for that emulator, again trying another version of that same game may work.

    9. When/Will X emu come out?

    The most powerful console I can see working on a PSP is a Nintendo 64. Even then a full speed one that runs commercial games with ease will never happen. Stop asking and maybe you can get into it and contribute yourself. I myself have started making simple programs on the PC and am slowly learning the make up of emulators. It takes a lot of work and practice to get into it. I suggest starting on something simple.


  2. #2
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    Kaiser's favorite Emulators
    Major Thanks to F34R for his guides.

    These are the emulators I keep on my PSP. I assure you that I keep only the best.

    System -----> emulator

    Sega Genesis/Mega Drive -------> Dgen hasreplaced Sougen's PSPGenesis as the best Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator. Dgen can be downloaded here

    Super Nintendo------->Snes9x TYL- The new version is awsome try it out

    v0.2c guide by F34R

    Game Boy/GB Colour ------> Rin Plain wonderful get your Pokemon fix with this

    F34R's newest guide here


    Nintendo Entertainment System-------->NesterJ Now who can forget Contra and Mario. Relive the Good Ol' days with this

    F34R's excellent guide for this emulator found here

    Sega Master System~For the truly hardcore Sega fans check out SMS Plus here

    SMSPlus 1.2 PSP: AdHoc v1 guide by, you guessed it, F34R
    Click here

    and of course the latest version of each emulator is best.

    Emulators with custom graphics and music have become common now. Check them out there great. A tip though most only work if your not hiding the corrupted files. This means no 19 space and ~ trick. Just put them in with a % on the dummy.

  3. #3
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    Default 2.0 Eboot Loaders

    ELOADER v0.95

    Eboot Loader v0.95 for PSP allows unsign code to be ran on the v2.0 PSP's. This does not allow all eboots to be loaded but Fanjita being the PSP god he is, has managed to make more and more eboots run on this thing. The eboots are of course the emulators and homebrew files.

    Eloader for 2.0 can be found here

    Okay here is a portion of the readme which Fanjita provided with his latest release. Its well written so you shouldn't have any problems after looking throught this. However if your still having problems feel free to ask away on this thread.

    Official Website:
    Official Forum:

    (based on excellent groundwork by Saotome)


    Major new working EBOOTs:
    - PSP-GBA emulator
    - Many many many for GTA users.

    To install:

    The recommended way to install is to use the new installer for Windows-based PCs. This is
    'eloader095.exe'. Just connect your PSP to the PC, then double-click this file, and follow
    the instructions to install the loader to your memory stick. Note that this will overwrite
    any existing copy of the eLoader 0.95 beta release, but will not interfere with any other
    version of the EBOOT Loader.

    Alternatively, if you don't have a Windows PC, you can extract the files from the
    package manually:

    - Extract all the files into the root folder (e.g. "F:\") of your memory
    stick. You need these files to be in the right place:
    \psp\photo\Wifi Loader 095\loader2.tiff
    \psp\photo\Wifi Loader 095\ready.png
    \psp\photo\eLoader 095\aaa.gif
    \psp\photo\eLoader 095\run_095.tif

    Installing Homebrew:

    - Copy the homebrew you want to run to your memory stick. Usually, this
    means unzipping a directory that contains an EBOOT.PBP file to somewhere
    under \PSP\GAME\. The exact location and folder name usually doesn't matter,
    but for best compatibility you should try to use the same names as
    originally shown in the homebrew ZIP file.

    If the instructions with the homebrew contain separate steps for v1.0 and
    v1.5 firmwares, then usually you'll get best results by following the
    v1.0 instructions.

    NOTE: If the homebrew is written in LUA, you need to copy it to a subdirectory
    under the your LUA Player "APPLICATIONS" folder.

    The method for running eLoader itself depends on which version of the PSP firmware you have
    installed. Refer to the appropriate section below:

    Running eLoader : v2.0 PSPs

    - Make sure you have a custom wallpaper set. Any image will do.

    - Use the PSP's built-in photo viewer to open the "EBOOT loader 09" folder,
    this will cause the loader to start. If your PSP hangs at this point,
    then try the following:
    - check your firmware version. This loader is for v2.0 ONLY.
    - check that you have the loader files in the correct place (see above)
    - turn your PSP completely off, then back on again. The loader works
    best on a freshly-rebooted PSP.
    - try setting a custom background - some people have reported that it
    works better if you use a custom wallpaper (any image).
    - try 'touching' the TIF image file : see 'fixing up the file times'

    Running eLoader : v2.01+ PSPs

    - Load up the GTA game from the UMD.

    - Open the menu with 'START', then select 'Load Game'.

    - Select the eLoader icon from the list of saved games. Confirm that you want to discard current

    - The eLoader should start after a few seconds.

    Using eLoader's default menu:

    - The loader displays a list of files in \PSP\GAME. Use the up and down
    buttons to change the current selection (highlighted in red), and X to
    open an EBOOT.PBP file or browse into a folder.

    NOTE: To load LUA applications, you need to run LUA Player first,
    which will launch Lowser and let you browse to open the application.

    - Once you select an EBOOT.PBP to load, after a few moments, the loader
    will either display an error message, or give you the option to run
    the application.

    - To exit the application, you need to reboot your PSP.
    The loader contains in-built support for rebooting, by holding the
    Left Trigger, Right Trigger and START buttons together for 1 second.
    If this doesn't work, then you can also reboot by removing the battery,
    or holding the power switch for at least 10 seconds.
    Note that sometimes after a software reboot, the loader will hang if you
    try to run it again. This seems to be much rarer if you enter USB mode
    briefly, before running the loader again.

    Using multiple versions of EBOOT loader

    Occasionally, some EBOOTs work better with older versions of the loader.
    In v0.9.5, for example, it looks like TerraIncognita is broken, but this works fine on 0.9.
    Also, LUA can be very unpredictable, working in some loader versions for some
    people, and other versions for others.

    From 0.8 onwards, the loader uses version numbers in the filenames, so that
    you can run multiple versions side-by-side.

    After installing v0.9.5, you can continue to use any previously-installed
    versions of the loader, if you have problems with your favourite EBOOTs.

    Using the EBOOT loader to run wifi applications (v2.0 PSPs -ONLY-)

    Because Wifi applications normally need kernel-mode to operate, you need to use
    a special workaround to load them with the EBOOT loader. You need to have
    set up a working wifi connection in the usual way before you can use wifi
    homebrew - if you can use the v2.0 web browser, then you're set.

    - Go to the PHOTO menu on your PSP, open the 'wifibackground.png' file, and
    set it as your PSP's wallpaper.

    - Completely reboot your PSP, by holding the power button for 10 seconds
    until it powers off. Then switch it back on again.

    - Go straight to the PHOTO menu, and open the 'Wifi Loader' folder.

    - You'll see an image that says 'wifi loader ready', plus another that says
    'Corrupted Data'. If your PSP hasn't frozen at this point, then the
    wifi loader has been successfully started, as a background process.

    - Now exit the PHOTO menu, and go all the way to the left, and then the
    bottom, to the 'Network Settings' menu.

    - Select this menu to get a choice of 'Ad Hoc' or 'Infrastructure'. Choose

    - Select the connection to use. Note that you won't be able to select a
    different connection within the homebrew (any change of connection is
    ignored by the EBOOT loader), so highlight the appropriate one now.

    - Press Triangle for connection options, and select 'Test Connection'

    - The wifi light should come on, and your PSP connects to the network.

    - Once the statistics for the connection are shown, the connection is
    stable and ready to use. Now press and hold LTrigger+RTrigger+SELECT
    for a few seconds. The screen will flicker for a moment, and then the
    EBOOT loader menu will start.

    - Now the EBOOT loader is ready to use, with full wi-fi support.

    Using a different menu

    v0.9.5 of the loader ships with a default menu, loadmenu095.pbp.

    You can also download an optional menu, called 'Choice', from this location:

    The loader will use the loadmenu095.pbp menu by default. If you want to use
    one of the alternatives, then edit the loadmenu095.cfg file (with Notepad, or
    any other text editor), and change the following line:



    menu=ms0:/psp/photo/choice/choice.pbp (or wherever you placed Choice, if
    it is in a different location).


    If you have problems with an individual EBOOT getting to the "Press X to
    launch the program" screen, but crashing immediately after, here are a
    few things to try:

    - Check whether it is already on the list of non-working EBOOTs at
    - Make sure you are trying to run it as the first thing you do after a
    clean reboot of your PSP
    - Use v1.0 EBOOTs in preference to v1.5.
    - Make sure that you read any README supplied with the homebrew, and followed
    the installation instructions (for v1.0, preferably) carefully.
    - Make sure that any support files (e.g. WAV files, graphics files)
    contained in the ZIP file are copied into the same place on the memory stick,
    relative to the EBOOT file.
    - Experiment with the launcher options in the configuration file. (see below)
    - Check the forums at - someone might already have found a
    way to make this EBOOT work.
    - When starting the EBOOT loader, try pressing the "down" button very quickly
    immediately after pressing "X" to open the 'EBOOT loader' photo folder.
    This can help the stability of some apps.
    - If you see a message during the loading process, saying
    "Found suspicious hard path", then this means the loader detected that
    the application depends upon being in a specific location on the
    memory stick. Usually the path will mention a specific file - try moving the
    application folder so that the file is in the place shown.

    If you find that one of these steps helps, then please send me details
    on what you did to make the EBOOT work - I can build the workarounds
    automatically into the next version of the loader.

    NOTE: If the EBOOT loader aborted the process before reaching the "press X"
    screen, then don't bother trying these steps - there's no way that EBOOT
    will currently work, but please remember to send the details of the error
    message to me, so that I can attempt to change the code to make it work.

    Fixing up the file times:

    If you have problems with the PSP freezing as soon as you open the PHOTO
    folder, or even if it just starts the EBOOT loader as soon as you open the
    PHOTO folder, and you want to be able to view photos normally, then you can
    use the enclosed TOUCH.EXE file to help out:

    - Copy touch.exe to the \psp\photo\ folder on your memory stick.

    - Open a windows command prompt (click "Start", "Run...", and enter "cmd"
    in the box that comes up).

    - In the command prompt, enter these commands:
    > F: (replace 'F' with the drive letter of your memory stick)
    > cd "\psp\photo\eboot loader 095"
    > ..\touch run_095.tif

    Configuration File:
    v0.8.5 and beyond of the loader support configuration via a file, /psp/eloader/LOADER095.CFG.
    See inside the file for basic details on what the various options do. For most
    purposes, the defaults should be sufficient.

    If you want to try to tweak the options for a specific EBOOT, here are some

    - Each EBOOT has a special signature that identifies it to the EBOOT loader.
    To find out the signature, use the bundled Windows program
    "EBOOT_SIGNATURE.EXE". This will tell you the name you need to use for the
    config file section header for the EBOOT.

    - The following options are the most common ones to change to make a specific
    EBOOT work. Often, changing one of these (more-or-less at random) will fix
    the more sensitive EBOOTs such as USER_LUA. Try changing these one at a time,
    in this order, for best results.

    - passparameters : this is the same as the old 'press Square for
    alternate parameters' option.
    - confirm
    - callinit : this is the same as the old 'press L-Trigger' option
    - clearscreen
    - initbssfull
    - initbsspartial

    - If you want to suppress screen-spam during loading of a known-good EBOOT,
    you can try changing these options. You may find that the EBOOT stops
    working after changing an option - if so, just change it back.

    - confirm : displays the 'press X to start' menu
    - unknownNIDwarning : warns you if some system calls requested by the
    EBOOT couldn't be identified.
    - patchkernelwarning : warns you if the EBOOT is kernel-mode. For some
    EBOOTs, this doesn't matter.
    - ignorefixedpath : warns you if the EBOOT contains a suspicious-
    looking filename, that implies it might need to be
    run from a fixed location on the memory stick.

    If you find some new configuration parameters that work well for a specific
    EBOOT, please email me at [email protected], or make a post on the EBOOT
    loader forums at

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Working eboots

  4. #4
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    v2.01-v2.6 eloader for GTA: LCS

    Eloader for GTA~Brown Ale

    This is a portion of the old readme I edited it for updates

    eLoader for GTA beta by Fanjita and Ditlew

    Includes code by:
    Delyan Kalchev
    Edison Carter

    This package allows you to run some standard PSP homebrew on any version of Grand Theft Auto, and PSP firmware version v2.0, v2.01 and v2.5. It's an initial test of the loader, that doesn't support the full range of homebrew, but works well enough for an initial release.

    Please note also the new name for the EBOOT Loader - "eLoader".

    To install:

    Use WinRAR to unpack the contents of this package into the root (topmost) folder on your memory stick. Note that if you have an existing GTA savegame that uses slot 5, then this will be overwritten by the eLoader savegame. You can see which slots you are using by the folder names - ULES00182SX, ULES00151SX or ULUS10041SX : X is the slot number.

    To make sure that the eLoader is not auto-started by GTA, you can copy another GTA savegame folder off your memory stick, and then back onto the memory stick now. Now you can copy your homebrew files into subfolders in the /psp/game/ folder.

    To use:

    Start up GTA as normal. When it has loaded, select "Load Game", select the eLoader savegame and confirm the load as normal. After a short delay, the eLoader menu should appear. Select the homebrew to run using the D-Pad, and the X button. You can select a CPU speed with the L + R shoulder buttons, or press START to restart your PSP.

    To return to the menu, you can usually hold the L+R shoulder buttons, then hold START for a few seconds. This doesn't work for every application. The HOME button doesn't work, this is a known problem.


    One common problem is that sometimes GTA has problems if it auto-loads this savegame at startup. You can avoid this by making sure that the datestamp on the new savedata folders is older than the most recent game that you saved with GTA. This should happen automatically if you use WinRAR to extract the files. If you still have problems with GTA crashing as soon as it starts, then try this:

    * Start GTA with no memory stick inserted. You should get a warning, and then start the intro movies.
    * Once the intro has finished, either play through the first mission until you can get to a game save point, or just load up an existing save (not the Tetris save).
    * Now save your position in a new save slot.

    You should then find that GTA autoloads your normal savegame, letting you select the eLoader savegame later.

    You might find that removing unused save folders helps. There are 3 versions of the folders in this package, to cover all known versions of the game. You only really need the version appropriate to your copy of the game, which is:
    ULES00182S* for German GTA
    ULUS10041S* for US GTA
    ULES00151S* for all other versions.

    Known Working Homebrew:

    UPDATED eloader list at these locations

  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro YourStillWithMe's Avatar
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    Post Good work Kaiser

    Good work Kaiser! Your always keeping it real. I made my own FAQ on another site thats one of my favs (not better than this on) check it out below on my signature. It has REALLY GOOD links to get your roms and emulators and it's allowed on this site.

  6. #6
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    thanks for praise guys and nice guide YSWM.

    A few small updates added

  7. #7

    Default NesterJ v. 1.07 installation and use guide.

    This guide is written for users with 1.50 firmware PSP's.

    Things I use: (i wont include links to download them, because they come from other sites. I dont think that'd be appropriate.)

    1.50 PSP
    USB cable for your PSP
    NesterJ emulator zip file

    Please have at least the stuff listed above, or its equivalent. Install SeiPSPTool if thats what you plan on using to convert your eboots to 1.50.

    Lets get started:


    First lets go ahead and connect our PSP to the computer via the USB cable, and put our PSP into USB mode.

    Go ahead and extract the contents of the NesterJ zip file into whatever folder you choose. For this guide, I have extracted the zip file into C:/NesterJ/...

    Next run SeiPSPTool. Click on EXPORT EBOOT, its the first icon, looks like a green cross. You'll fill in the blanks to the right.

    Name = whatever you want, but keep it simple. i.e. NesterJ
    PBP File = you'll use the button with the ... on it to navigate to the files you extracted a moment ago. Remember, mine was C:/NesterJ/...
    PSP Unit = click the drop arrow and click on your PSP drive. You should have already put your PSP into USB mode earlier per my instructions.
    Also check the white box next to "Hide Corrupted image from list"
    Click on the "Generate" button. Here is a pic of what it should look like before you press "Generate"

    You'll notice that your mem stick activity light starts blinking. Once its stopped, SeiPSPTool will notify you that it has installed the NesterJ emu onto your PSP.

    That is it for the basic setup. You can exit SeiPSPTool.


    With your PSP still in USB mode, open up My Computer (on your PC obviously). Double click on your PSP drive. Open up your /PSP/GAME/ folder and you'll see the two folders you just installed, click on the one without the % sign.

    Now you want to create two more folders here, see picture below:

    It's pretty obvious what goes in the ROMS folder, you can leave all your games zipped up to save space.

    I'll explain the GENIE folder a little more.

    The GENIE folder is used for Game Genie cheats. You can simply add a text file into the GENIE folder and load it from the NesterJ menu on your PSP. What I like to do is create folders for each game that I use. Example:
    /GENIE/Super Mario Bros./gamegeniecheat.txt (name this text file after the cheat)
    So the final look will be like this:
    /GENIE/Super Mario Bros./START_WORLD_8.txt

    The actual text for your cheat would look like this: (this starts you off in world 8 of Super Mario Brothers)

    YSAOPE (put 8 spaces) Start on World 8(1)
    YEAOZA (put 8 spaces) Start on World 8(2)
    YEAPYA (put 8 spaces) Start on World 8(3)


    Lets exit out of USB mode on your PSP and disconnect the USB cable.
    Next navigate to your memort stick by pressing the D-Pad 4 times to the right, and all the way down till you highlight the Memory Stick option. Press "X". You'll notice your nice blue icon that has "NesterJ" on it. Press "X" again.

    Give the PSP a minute to load. The next screen you see is a black screen with a white box around it. In this box you'll see the following:


    Press down on the D-Pad twice to highlight the ROMS/ folder and press "CIRCLE". You should see a list of all the games that you transferred into your ROMS folder. Just scroll down with the D-pad and press "CIRCLE" to launch the game.


    Pressing the LEFT SHOULDER button on the PSP brings up NesterJ's config options. Only change something if you know what you are doing. I'll give you a few tips on how I have mine set up, but other than that, use at your OWN RISK.

    Move down to "Graphics Config" and press "CIRCLE". Go to "Screen Size" and press "CIRCLE" twice. This should change from "NORMAL" to "X1.5 [4:2.8333].

    Press "X". Move down to "SOUND CONFIG". Press "CIRLCE". Move down to "Sampling Rate" and press "CIRCLE" until you have it set at 44100Hz. Press "X" again.

    To change the default button layout navigate to "KEY CONFIG" and press "CIRCLE". I personally have the following: (these are changed from the default, everything not listed here is left alone)

    A Button : CROSS
    B Button : SQUARE
    A Button (Rapid): TRIANGLE
    B Button (Rapid): CIRCLE
    Battery Life: R (right shoulder)

    When you are done, do NOT choose INTIALIZE, that reverts back to default. Select "Return to Main Menu" and press "CIRCLE".


    Start your game first, at the title screen, enter into the config menu (press LEFT SHOULDER)

    Choose "LOAD CHEAT FILE(GAME GENIE)" and press "CIRCLE".
    You'll see another screen similar to what you did when you first launched the emulator. Press down to highlight the GENIE/ folder and press "CIRCLE". If you have custom folders, like I do, choose what game you want to load the cheat for. Next just highlight the text file for the cheat listed, and press "CIRCLE".

    You'll be brought back to the main config window now, and you'll notice at the very top of the screen it says "Apply Game Genie code(s) Successfully".

    Now press down till you have Continue selected, and press "CIRCLE". Now start your game.


    Well, thats pretty much it. If you have any questions please post them here, or email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    Simply brilliant F34R. I'll add the link to my emulator post on the first page. Just to make sure it won't get lost with more posting on this thread. After that huge addition by you I'm going to request a sticky from the mods.

  9. #9


    Thanks for the compliment. I will be adding a few more as I get them done.

  10. #10
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    By the way, Is there a way to link to a particular post or are you limited to just linking the page?

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