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Thread: SnesPSP_TYL WIP

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default SnesPSP_TYL WIP

    A new release of what maybe the best Snes emu so far (and the one that killed my 1gb mem card) is coming soon, heres the news from the official site:

    Update coming soon, with new features and fixing the crash bugs.
    Current version is unstable, particularly when using PSP accelerated modes (PSP acc. and the 2 mix. modes) and having mosaic effect.

    Check out the website here -->

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie jambox's Avatar
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    How did it kill your 1gb card?

    edit: nevermind. Just searched and found the thread where you mention this. Sorry to hear about that.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular
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    I didn't search or read the thread but I don't have to. It's unfair for you to make such a comment because it has NOTHING to do with the software you used and EVERYTHING to do with SanDisk making an extremely substandard product.

    One of my buddies (who owns a Jap 1.00) got one of those damn things in and rushed it over to me so I could hook him up with some emulators and some porn that I converted myself. Not 10 minutes after he left my office, I got a phone call from him about the forever blinking memory access light... the damn card was fried. This was long before this new emu was out.

    Keep in mind that I don't know who wrote this one and I haven't tried it because I simply don't enjoy trying out unstable builds. Anyway, I do think that comment is very wrong and an insult to the author.

  4. #4
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    hey im not insulting the author just stating facts, ive used the card in every single release so far and the only release to kill my card was this one

    its still a great emulator

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default My card is fried too

    Im not bashing the author either but my 1 gig sandisk isnt working either ever since i put that emu on it.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Resurrect That Card...yo

    This is my first posting. yay!

    OK, ditto happened to me with my 256 MB card. It turns out that your card may not be fried but "Corrupted". What you need is a Memory Card Reader/Writer; like the one i bought over at Staples. You can get one practically anywhere for $35.

    Then theres some other stuff. I downloaded a shareware called Photo Rescue 2.1 (Expert ver.). It's for getting pics back off corrupted cards. Fact though is that if you want that to happen you gotta fork $30. Forget that; this baby helps you reclaim all non-picture files without paying dues. So i used it; got all my save data and roms off the card. Then onto de-corrupting that damn card...

    Use the Memory Card Reader device and format the card via whatever program you're using. I have Windows XP; so i did it on the My Computer window. I just highlighted the drive, went up to File and clicked on Format. After a few minutes, all was good again and it was almost like my card never burned to begin with.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Question Wraggster

    Are you certain it was this emu that killed your card ?
    I mean you had pretty much used the daylights out of it. Maybe it was just coincidence

  8. #8
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    the card isnt recognised by windows xp even in the new reader i just brought

    and when in the PSP i get a bloody annoying non stop blinking light

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Unhappy Bummer

    I had an old sd card do somthing like that. Now before I say this. This is gonna sound off the wall crazy. but concider you dont have anything to lose in this card as it is already destructed. But for lack of ideas and just out of wonderment. I ran an old hard drive magnet across it. This is a really bad idea for a functional card So dont try this ever unless your just going to junk the card anyway. But sure enough, all the information was corupted, But I could access it to fromat after that. perhaps this was a one in a million case. But if your gonna just junk the card. Try this

    Ps. After posting this. I searched all over the net, looking for people that have the same problem. It turns out this is a very common problem with the 1 gig sticks Then I set out to find a solution. Most people where told to use a photo recovry program, So I assume two things not a lot of people know the real reason all these cards are dieing, and not a lot of people know what there talking about. Then I set out to find a format utility(there isnt one). I learned somthing about a corupted primer file (dont know if thats true). Then went on to learn. That it is possible to fix these cards, (Or so certain people clame), But they all want money to do it. I even found a site that had tools to fix a dead memory stick, (But one would have to be a licsned developer to even download them), I say this with complete confidence Thats bull$#@!.. thats even to say. if the sites I went to where even legit sites and not some sort of scam. I was just looking around hopeing to be of help,And I came up with nothing

    Does anybody remember the term vaporware? It was an old term used to describe products that where designed to break after so many uses.
    I truely blame Sony and sandisk for designing such a product.
    And if thats was there goal. Sony and sandisk both have let all that power and money effect there sound buisness judgment.

    Do they really think people are so psp crazy they will keep throwing hundreds of dollars away to get a new memorystick every time one breaks,
    As much as I love my psp. im not going to be part of there sick game. If my one gig stick breaks, I guess im just out of luck, Cause sonys had its last dime from me over a memorystick.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Regular
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    Vaporware means a product that people promise to be made, but is never released. It has nothing to do with stuff breaking, and never has.

    There isn't really a term for products designed to break prematurely, other then JUNK, CRAP, GARBAGE, SCAM, TRASH, and TOTAL-WASTE-OF-MONEY.

    However, if anybody out there would like to sell me their "broken" Memory Sticks, I'd be happy to buy them. It sounds like a wonderful way to collect expensive cards off people can't seem to grasp fixing a minor software problem themselves. These cards are just about indestructible, so if there's a problem and you didn't cause it with a hammer, chances are it's just a bad bit and you can fix it yourself.

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