via Computer and Video Games

Those stingy enough to refuse buying Valve's Orange Box for all five of its games can reclaim some of their street cred next month, when the bargain package is split three ways.

Team Fortress 2, Portal and the Half-Life 2: Episode Pack will go on sale on April 9. According to Valve this is a worldwide release, although UK retailers are to list either of the games for pre-order.

Pricing for the US (according to retailers) will be $19.99 for Portal and $29.99 for the other two. Presuming this translates to £10 and £20 (which it won't) it's still a bit steep considering you can pick up Orange Box PC for £25.

Still, the few who found the idea of re-buying Half-Life 2 with Portal disgusting, will now be pleased. The moany g*ts.