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Thread: Self-compiled mapthis cannot be started

  1. #1

    Default Self-compiled mapthis cannot be started

    I compiled mapthis 0.52 with devkitPSP, and obtained two files "sioprx.prx" and "EBOOT.PBP". However, the self-compiled version cannot be launched in my PSP (3.71 m33). The error code is 0x80020148.

    1) the pre-compiled version (under FW3.XX/mapViewer) works on my PSP. I just replaced "sioprx.prx" and "EBOOT.PBP" with mine.
    2) I also compiled several samples in the SDK. They works well on my PSP.
    3) I have tried to set PSP_FW_VERSION=371. It still does not work.

    Is there anybody know the cause of the problem?


  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro
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    Feb 2007
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    Default, first question.

    You could take a look at the Makefile for my version, it contains directives for both FW3+ and FW1.5.

  3. #3


    Thanks a lot Nieko. I have already tried to compile mapthis for FW 3.xx. I uncommented following two lines in the Makefile:

    BUILD_PRX = 1

    After I copied the new EBOOT.PBP and sioprx.prx into PSP, things did not change much, just a different error number: 0x800200D9.

    I checked the Makefile and main.c and felt a little confusing. To use HOLUX GPS, I need to set macro GENERIC. But once GENERIC is set, the following setting will be invoked in main.c

    PSP_MODULE_INFO("MapThis!", 0x1000, 1, 1);

    I read a post from, and it said that for FW 3.xx, the second parameter in PSP_MODULE_INFO must be zero (user mode problem).

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro
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    Feb 2007
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    It's been quite a while since I last worked on Map This!, so I don't quite remember all the details...

    I do know someone else posted about this a while ago, you could search for the thread. It was also about using the latest PSPSDK/toolchain from SVN, that did the trick then (and for me, last year).

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