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Thread: What actually can you do with a 1.51?

  1. #1

    Question What actually can you do with a 1.51?

    My psp is a 1.51 version. What things can i do to it if any? How insignifficant and usless they are i was just wondering if there is anything, like a background change or something. *shrugs* i hope there is something i can change on my psp lol.

    Thanks for your time,

    ps. sorry for the stupid newb question

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie slick's Avatar
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    no they are useless send it to me j/k

    u cant do much on 1.51, u can only watch movies, listen to music and tahts about it, ofcourse play games you bought. No homebrew though.

    If i were you, chenge it for 1.5, find one i got 1.51 week ago and took it back then went to near EB store and they had 50 1.5's in stock so i picked on up from them.

    or update to 2.0 and atleast get on the net and some other stuff...

  3. #3


    Does anyone know if there is a way to convert my 1.52 to a 1.5. It was originally a 1.5 and I tried to restore factory settings, but it didn't work. I was retarded when I upgraded to a 1.52. I didn't know what I was doing!

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I am sorry that you can't do anything with 1.51. I also got a 1.51 last week, first, I thought it can be homebrew, but obviously I was wrong.
    I lives in Shangha, and can only get psp from smuggle small shop. It can't be change back.
    What I am doing now is using it watch movie and listen to the music. What else, spend a lot of money to buy the UMD to play? Crazsy.........

    Wait the firmware 2.0 to be hacked

  5. #5


    Well, I suggest getting to 2.0, at least you can then use thoes features to keep you happy until then mouse gets ahead of the cat again. However, might be safer to wait for U.S. update, I couldnt!

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie Fly On's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randalbrodie
    Does anyone know if there is a way to convert my 1.52 to a 1.5. It was originally a 1.5 and I tried to restore factory settings, but it didn't work. I was retarded when I upgraded to a 1.52. I didn't know what I was doing!

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie JcBoyCool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randalbrodie
    Does anyone know if there is a way to convert my 1.52 to a 1.5. It was originally a 1.5 and I tried to restore factory settings, but it didn't work. I was retarded when I upgraded to a 1.52. I didn't know what I was doing!
    There is a amazing button called SEARCH. How about trying it?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by shargraith
    My psp is a 1.51 version. What things can i do to it
    you can stuck it up somewhere the sun never shone

  9. #9

    Thumbs up

    To convert you psp from 1.5 and up to a psp1.0 (the only worth while firmware). You have to pay $150.00 for a 1.0 motherboard. Then you have to gut your psp , replace the motherboard and hope to god that you can put it back together again the right way . But it would still be worthless because the american psp is garbage , They are made with sharp tft screens , while the japanese ones have a samsung lcd tft . You will notice a big difference in graphic quality if you compare them. You might as well buy a Japanese 1.0 while you can. Sorry europe , no more 1.0's for you, but if you live in the states you are lucky, anyone who by any chance has the meens to own such a fine piece of machinery, I highly reccomend it. Or you can bite the bullet and buy the new ceramic white psp 2.0 from Japan (with the samsung lcd screen) and yank your crank during the next few months hoping that 2.0 is cracked.

    Benny Blanco from the Bronx

    PS- Does sony hate americans or something? They get all the good stuff and we get our pick of crappy 1.5 and up. Why wouldn't they just smarten up and sell 1.0's for $350 a pop and 2.0's for $250 a pop, so that way they can take that extra $100 bucks put half in there pocket and the other half towards paying for the rights of past games to be used on there system, I mean come on Sony should have bought out sega when they had the chance and taken copyrights for games from dreamcast and genesis, but no, no , None of you people at sony would ever come up with an idea of such magnitude of such magnitude, An idea like that can't even make it there cerebral cortex. Sony of America sucks, Sony of Japan Rules, except for there filandering betrayal to make import laws happen, you know what we americans say to import laws, nothing. Sony can't do to america what they did to europe. The only reason sony is sewing lik-sang is becauase the psp's were being sold by the great britain pound which is the highest rated currency, Sony realized lik was makin alot of profit and takin business away from Sony of europe and decided to take action. I think lik should run to where there are no extra-dite laws an keep his profit. Imports / exports is a paying job in america. I don't know about the laws anywhere else in the world. good luck lik- sang. i hope you topple sony and make it sang.

    Oh yea, no taxation without representation ha ha, 1.0 rules
    Benny Blanco From the Bronx

  10. #10
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benny blanco
    To convert you psp from 1.5 and up to a psp1.0 (the only worth while firmware). You have to pay $150.00 for a 1.0 motherboard. Then you have to gut your psp , replace the motherboard and hope to god that you can put it back together again the right way . But it would still be worthless because the american psp is garbage , They are made with sharp tft screens , while the japanese ones have a samsung lcd tft . You will notice a big difference in graphic quality if you compare them. You might as well buy a Japanese 1.0 while you can. Sorry europe , no more 1.0's for you, but if you live in the states you are lucky, anyone who by any chance has the meens to own such a fine piece of machinery, I highly reccomend it. Or you can bite the bullet and buy the new ceramic white psp 2.0 from Japan (with the samsung lcd screen) and yank your crank during the next few months hoping that 2.0 is cracked.

    Benny Blanco from the Bronx
    hmm. better send this method to pspupdates.. Im sure they would title it breaking news!

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