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Thread: What the hell is going wrong in america?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    Default What the hell is going wrong in america?,23599,22439742-2,00.html (a News limted [News corp aka fox]) is using the term 'police state'.

    You can even hear kerry saying 'thats alright, I'll answer the question' as the guy is dragged away.

    Something is wrong.

  2. #2
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bah View Post,23599,22439742-2,00.html (a News limted [News corp aka fox]) is using the term 'police state'.

    You can even hear kerry saying 'thats alright, I'll answer the question' as the guy is dragged away.

    Something is wrong.
    Who knows?

    But that's goodbye to Freedom of Speech, as the guy only asked questions.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro b8a's Avatar
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    That would be indicative of a police state only IF it were a state policy. From the pictures I've seen it looks more like the "police" involved were university security guards. On top of that, it doesn't really point to "freedom of speech" issues either as the participants of such events are usually made fully aware of the "acceptable" range of topics. Which, sure, sounds like censorship, but there are _A LOT_ of topics that are sure to trigger heated, passionate debates and flat-out physical fights. Establishing base-rules for any such forum, whether you believe it or not, _is_ done with the public's general safety in mind. It's hand-in-hand with the concept of having rules at schools, which is publicly acceptable even among other first-world nations.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    I don't think they literally mean a police state, rather the actions taken resemble the norm in one.

    If Kerry was willing to answer, why should be be dragged away, held down by like 6 cops/guards then tazered. All of them on 1 scrawny kid.

    What is the point of questioning our leaders if its confined to 'how fantastically successful do you think your term has been, extremely or just very?'.

    America, now more than ever, needs passionate debates IMO.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Coder
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    was there ever anything right with america??,2933,295706,00.html

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    There are plenty of things wrong with america... and fox news isnt helping. Some of this may be reality, but more often then not fox... well.... makes $#@! up, alters reality, and does whatever they feel is necessary to create sensational bull$#@! to persuade people to support their idea of an ideal America (republican christians destroying free speech and starting wars for seemingly no reason). Dont believe everything you hear. Not from CNN, not from NBC and CERTAINLY not from fox news.

    I dont like kerry that much, but there is most certainly more to the story than "he didnt like the guy so he had him shut his mouth." The dems are pussies with great ideas but an odd inability to get anything done... what was mentioned above would be a right wing tactic.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Pro b8a's Avatar
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    What it boils down to is that this individual was being obviously disruptive and disorderly. Just look at what you wrote: "held down by like 6 cops/guards then tazered. All of them on 1 scrawny kid". If the person was asking a serious question looking for a serious answer and conducting himself in a respectable manner, I'm sure it would've never resulted in such "police action".

    My only point is that this situation happens in every free country on a semi-regular basis. America is an obvious target for criticism being the dominant world power. Just because the US took military action in Iraq, news organizations are using that as justification for accusing the US of becoming facist and blowing situations like this out of proportion. In reality, America on whole strongly hates taking international military action (America is, by nature, insular) and you can only muster the kind of public support that the military action in Iraq garnered after the US feels like "it's hand has been pushed". This is why you need to take a closer look at "criticisms" such as these, because even if the US had taken no military action in Iraq, such overly sensational, unrealistically critical articles would still be published and circulated. There's always something to criticize, and there's always some measure of legitimacy to criticisms. That doesn't mean that you should take all of them seriously, you just need to take them with a grain of salt. 1time hit the nail on the head by pointing out that this article says more about Fox News then it does about America.

    There are some serious issues currently facing the US, but all first world countries face the same issues. It's irresponsible to entirely shift the burden of dealing with those issues on America's shoulders.

  8. #8
    Dream Coder
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    The guy was an idiot. He should have shouted but not resisted. Freedom of speech does not apply because it is not a public forum, that's like asking why you can't start screaming "f*ck!!!" at the top of your lungs in a McDonalds and not be escorted out.

    This is going to go nowhere because any debate that could be made for the kid being removed without cause is going to be rebuffed by the fact that he acted like an ass and resisted arrest (then cried from the tazering).

  9. #9
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    He had multiple people on him only once he protested being removed for asking a question someone didn't like, Kerry was even answering as they started dragging him away.

    The issue is not just the overreaction by security (I wouldn't be happy about being removed for asking a question, would probably cry from a tazering too), but why he was being removed and the disturbing culture of only asking nice questions.

    He asked questions regarding elections and the incredibly close links that many politicians from both sides of politics (including bush and kerry) seem to have from an early age.
    No matter what you feel about either side of politics, I don't see how these question can be dismissed as not serious or respectable.

    These are internal issues, not related to the mess that is iraq.
    When we're living in a time with a president who is so obviously having his strings pulled by some group of people, who acts against the popular will of the country and dismisses all opposition as being 'against the country', there is really a need for all sorts of questions to be asked and answered.

    Even if all you get out of a politician is spin, a nugget of truth may just slip out and onto the record that may at some later point contradict their future spin. Perhaps at that point someone may put 1 and 1 together and be able to dig deeper into an issue.

    If no one is asking tough questions then how many more liberties are people there going to loose in the name of 'patriotism'.

    Thats what I took from it, I'm not saying its the most important story in the world, just seeing what people think. Personally I feel its more than someone shouting **** repeatedly in mcdonalds.

    EDIT: The main reason I pointed out the article was on which is news ltd, which is news corp, who also own fox, is because of the angle they took on the story and how it seemed out of place considering their regular (vehemently conservative) position. Here is a US fox news site's report, doesn't anyone find it odd that the same company takes 2 totally different stances considering they are supposed to be reporting the facts on the same event (which goes to what Cap'n 1time was saying).

    Considering kerry is saying 'thats alright, let me answer his question' and also refers to it as a 'very important question' it seems fair enough to let the guy hear the answer. I'd like to know who the guy behind the officers is, the one in the suit making the 'cut' (slicing throat) gesture then backing off the second before they pull him away.

    If nothing else, tazers are meant to be used when officers feel themselves in danger, he was on the floor with several ppl on top of him.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Rookie Welshboy's Avatar
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    That was one of the most rediculous videos ever. He asked a question which Kerry was quite willing to answer. Completely unreasonable force was used when the person was willing to co-operate and leave peacefully. In Britain that would never happen, we have common sense and a police force who are trained to actually deal with the public instead of doing what those cops did. America needs to reform it's political system, constitution and many many other things.

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