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Thread: Mathieulh: “I told Sony how to prevent the copy of UMDs 2 years ago, they never reply

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp Mathieulh: “I told Sony how to prevent the copy of UMDs 2 years ago, they never reply

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    There was a pretty interesting live discussion between Magixien and Mathieulh yesterday on

    Mathieu of course mentioned the recent work about the PSP keys found in the PS3 hardware. He stated that with the open source Kirk implementation [recently released by Draan, based on hints by Mathieulh and team work by a bunch of talented devs <-- may I say I hadn't seen so many "PSP All stars" in a forum thread since the Pandora days?], anybody with enough skills could create an application to sign user mode homebrews for the PSP, “with 1 or 2 hours of work”.

    He also confirmed that kernel mode would be more of a challenge, as the Kirk implementation on the PS3 is incomplete [I almost feel relieved for Sony here]. If you’re (extremely) computer savy you can have a look at the technical discussions on this subject here.

    The discussion also went on the Utopia project, an open source firmware project for the PSP (Mathieulh’s “pet” project on the PSP back in the old days, which sadly was never really completed due to lack of support from the scene… Mathieu if you read this, some of the code in Utopia was a key factor in running the first homebrew with HBL. So, although it is true that few devs contributed directly to the Utopia project, it was still a very useful project for the scene)

    Magixien and Mathieu then mentioned the upcoming security in the PSP2 and the 3DS (unsurprisingly, they expect these two consoles to have quite stronger security than their older sisters, but said we can’t really know before the actual devices hit the market), however, Mathieulh half-jokingly said that the security on the PSP/PS3 was not good, and that Sony should consider hiring people who have stronger skills in security (such as ex-hackers) for their next consoles. He mentioned as an anecdote:

    About two years ago I sent an email to Sony, and told them: “I know how to prevent the copy of UMDs on your PSP”. I gave them all the details on how to proceed, it worked and …well it made UMD copy basically impossible on the PSP. They never took my idea into account, they never replied to me. That tells us a lot about their way [of dealing with security]

    I personally think that Sony should have some kind of bat-signal that triggers when people like Mathieulh offer their services for free in matters of security

  2. #2
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    I always said Sony is just too arrogant to admit mistakes or copy ideas without mixing some of their own possibly bad flavour in, and all of this proves Sony just don't know how to properly run a modern console platform. And to be honest i can see the next generation of consoles being Sony's last if they can't change their ways with the increasing demands gamers expect from console features.
    Last edited by Fonixx; January 12th, 2011 at 19:23.

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