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Thread: Life After Death, proven!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Question Life After Death, proven!

    yeah, it was a catchy title, i had to use it,

    Besides, hear me out first, then you can light torches and throw rocks

    Conservation of energy, it's more then just a few happy words some green ecologist threw together for some power point presentation.

    It's one of the very few truly obvious truths in this universe.

    The total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant. A consequence of this law is that energy "cannot be created or destroyed." The only thing that can happen with energy in an isolated system is that it can "change form", that is to say for instance kinetic energy can become thermal energy.

    The laws of physics,

    I could debate about them forever,
    To me physics are like a game.

    It's a puzzle to figure out, and it's a really large breathable tangible playground, giving ones mind room to grow.

    Very fertile ground.

    But. let's examine energy, and maybe nature too, It's seems that science and nature are two different beasts entirely,

    or is it really, that nature and science are two different sides to the same coin?

    It does seem to me, that Science and nature seem to support each other more often then not.

    I believe that we can all mostly agree that our minds our thoughts, yes even our very consciousness are energy, life in it's self is considered an energy.

    I say... Does That lead one to conclude that when someone's life ends, their energy must go somewhere?

    And let us go back to the first part of the law of energy conversion for a brief moment.

    "The total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant."

    Hmm, The total amount of energy remains constant.

    Wow, So not only would our energy have to be converted from one form to another but it would remain totally in tact!?!? wow!

    Our consciousness, Would remain totally in tact!?!? Wow!!

    Yes, Science does seem to support that when we Die, our energy does not get destroyed. "how could it be?"

    No, it's simply converted from one form to another, 'completely in tact consciousness and all"

    wow, just wow,

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    The idea that you can call our consciousness or our being "energy" is debatable. If we are energy at our deepest self then, yes what you're saying is very logical and makes some sense. I just dont know that that statement can be made with any certainty. It becomes more a debate of semantics than anything else.

    Theres no proof, that I've seen anyways to support or dispute either side. I hope to be corrected on that otherwise theres no real debate.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ICE View Post
    The idea that you can call our consciousness or our being "energy" is debatable. If we are energy at our deepest self then, yes what you're saying is very logical and makes some sense. I just dont know that that statement can be made with any certainty. It becomes more a debate of semantics than anything else.

    Theres no proof, that I've seen anyways to support or dispute either side. I hope to be corrected on that otherwise theres no real debate.
    Well sure, I can elaborate on the view.
    The thing is, our bodies rely on energy to stay alive, we eat food for energy, our bodies convert food into energy,

    "think about it"

    Our brains use electrical impulses to function. heck without that electrical activity in our brains, we wouldn't be alive at all. in fact it's the electrical activity of the brain that is gagged in fact to see if a coma patient is brain dead.

    The fact is brother ice, in this physical form we are in. We need energy to live. And since our brains run on energy. and we die when that energy stops. It's a pretty safe assumption that our very consciousness in this form is based on electrical activity.

    Does that mean that God doesn't exist?
    I think not. people can and will disagree about opinions from time to time. But God's existence can not be judged based on the color of a mans shoes in Tokyo.

    The bible says many times. This form is imperfect and corrupted. and i believe in some cases incomplete.

    Weather we believe in God or not, We must accept,
    That just because the brain as we know it run's on electricity, does not negate The existence of God.,

    This stumbling block comes from the ongoing socially accepted view that, that science and religion must conflict with one another. It is deeply rooted in most people..

    But the truth is, in many cases they support one another.

    We still don't fully understand The brain. Why it works. how it stores almost limitless information as it does.

    but simply proving that The brain runs off electricity, doesn't negate God.

    In fact, That we as humans Do pass from one form to another as science proves, Well that pretty much proves that God must be real, Because he was telling us We passed on from one form to another since the creation of man..

    I hope that clears some of it up bro.

    There is proof brother ice. But we can not sit on the sidelines and wait for answers to come, We must seek for them,"seek and ye shall find" But we must also be willing to accept the answers when we find them.

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    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Ive always held the belief that science without religion is pointless and religion without science is blind. My view on this is that life occurs because of biochemical processes in the body turning stored energy into usable energy. That conversion occurs while you are alive but when you are dead that process stops. The stored energy decomposes and is again converted into something else. For example the body taken in by mushrooms or something for energy.

    My question is are we actually electrical impulses? My computer on my lap is ran by electricity but it isnt electricity in its deepest form. The electricity just allows it to function. Is there an intangible energy that is us at our deepest level inhabiting our physical form?

    If we are talking about the electrical impulses in the body I dont know that I can buy it. The soul is another thing entirely. That could be considered energy assuming you believe in a soul.
    Last edited by ICE; November 26th, 2008 at 05:36.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ICE View Post
    Ive always held the belief that science without religion is pointless and religion without science is blind. My view on this is that life occurs because of biochemical processes in the body turning stored energy into usable energy. That conversion occurs while you are alive but when you are dead that process stops. The stored energy decomposes and is again converted into something else. For example the body taken in by mushrooms or something for energy.

    My question is are we actually electrical impulses? My computer on my lap is ran by electricity but it isnt electricity in its deepest form. The electricity just allows it to function. Is there an intangible energy that is us at our deepest level inhabiting our physical form?

    If we are talking about the electrical impulses in the body I dont know that I can buy it. The soul is another thing entirely. That could be considered energy assuming you believe in a soul.
    Well what is a soul?
    the bible speaks about them. what purpose they serve. But it never really explains what soul "is" what it's made of.

    it is said that god is a creator, And through him all things are possible, but it's also clearly obvious that God tends to create naturally using nature to form his creations. we humans create other humans, naturally through reproduction however the credit for that human life goes to God.

    just because two people make a baby doesn't mean it wasn't gods original plan or creation.

    Nature is a recurring theme in creation.

    And it's not a huge leap to believe that god created life naturally through natural principals that we humans have yet to grasp.

    it's it really such a far reach to believe that the human soul is the byproduct of the energy transformation of life into death?

    energy can not decay or evaporate into nothingness,. the laws of energy
    theirselves state that energy "must be converted into another form," in other words, the energy must remain "whole" and complete" and convert into another form. That is the natural process

    It would seem logical, and accessible to both parties scientific and religious views.

    In my opinion, the physical laws of energy conversion do closely mirror What the bible says happens to a soul when it passes from this life.

    it all seems very logical to me. like two pieces of the same puzzle coming together.

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    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    To me its not a question of what happens to the energy inside us when we die, its whether or not theres a little energy in us that isnt used for moving muscles or thinking thoughts. A little energy that IS us. If the answer is a yes then its a very provocative thought.

    Is there a soul, is it energy. I dont think we can truely know the answer to that. I suppose thats what faith is for. Its not something we can go out and look at or test.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ICE View Post
    To me its not a question of what happens to the energy inside us when we die, its whether or not theres a little energy in us that isnt used for moving muscles or thinking thoughts. A little energy that IS us. If the answer is a yes then its a very provocative thought.

    Is there a soul, is it energy. I dont think we can truely know the answer to that. I suppose thats what faith is for. Its not something we can go out and look at or test.
    Ah but when we accept that a concept or method of thinking is beyond us. That is a limitation we place upon ourselves.

    We must never give up seeking the answers. if newton had decided that gravity was just one of those things man wasn't meant to understand, where would we be today?

    We must never limit ourselves into thinking that something is out of our reach of understanding. if we all did this thing. we would still be living in the stick ages,

    yes the stick ages.
    because we would have never thought that tools made from stone would be possible.

    Just because some people believe that certain things aren't meant to be understood, doesn't mean that there wont always be others seeking for the answers to those same questions.

    If you believe you have a soul, Thats is based on your faith, to each person faith is a personal belief unique to themselves as diverse and unique as the human mind.

    But faith in the soul isn't whats really in question here. we could call it a soul, but that's all just opinion.

    What we do know is, The body thrives and lives off energy. The brain directly uses energy to transfer it's messages from one part of the brain to another on a cellular level . if even at our deepest recesses of the mind we are not energy based beings, then the miracle of life is truly more profound and wondrous then possibly imaginable, if science can't explain life then, That only leaves the creation theory.


    how can what we are even deeply inside us. be anything other then energy? Thats the real question.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Legend mike_jmg's Avatar
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    Now that you mention this, I felt like puting my grain of salt

    Ok, here is my theory

    - Long long long time ago the universe was a little dot where all the mass and energy were concentrated, you me and absolutely everything was there. right

    - I don't know why, maybe it reached a critical point, it exploded, from that explosion the universe started to expand, planets and stars started to form and blablablabla... up to this day

    - I think our consiousness is the sum of all the biochemical processes that occur in our bodies everyday

    - The thing is, what I think it happens when we die is that we become part of everything once again, I like thinking that our consiousness remains intact although it is not very realistic, but even so I still do.

    - Lastly, there will be a moment when the universe will cease to expand, I think it will crash onto something, I don't know, maybe, and it will start to compress until it becomes a little dot, to start the cycle once again

    Universe = all the mass and energy that exists = God

    Therefore we all are part of God, could be called sons of God, we die we go back to him

    note: english is not my first language and I couldn't write this as good as I would've liked to
    Last edited by mike_jmg; November 26th, 2008 at 07:24.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike_jmg View Post
    Now that you mention this, I felt like puting my grain of salt

    Ok, here is my theory

    - Long long long time ago the universe was a little dot where all the mass and energy were concentrated, you me and absolutely everything was there. right

    - I don't know why, maybe it reached a critical point, it exploded, from that explosion the universe was born, planets and stars started to form and blablablabla... up to this day

    - I think our consiousness is the sum of all the biochemical processes that occur in our bodies everyday

    - The thing is, what I think it happens when we die is that we become a part of everything once again, I like thinking that our consiousness remains intact although it is not very realistic, but even so I still do.

    - Lastly, there will be a moment when the universe will cease to expand, I think it will crash onto something, I don't know what, and it will start to compress until it becomes a little dot, to star the cycle once again
    The thing about that opinion brother mike, is that To remain completely respectful of you and your beliefs I can't comment on your spiritual beliefs.
    they just like brother ice's are unique and your own. Who am I to say any differently, *nods

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    DCEmu Legend mike_jmg's Avatar
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    Yeah, I don't think anyone can't dissuade someone else into believing what he believes on a subject like this. So maybe this is kinda pointless don't you think.

    Even so it is a very nice talk

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