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Thread: Nanodesktop Blind Assistant 0.1 Proof of concept

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp Nanodesktop Blind Assistant 0.1 Proof of concept

    News/release from pegasus2000:

    This is an important news. The release of the next version of nd will arrive in few days, and it will be correlated with new applications and a better documentation for all developers.

    In this time, you can try this version of Nanodesktop Blind Assistant 0.1.

    Blind Assistant is a tecnology developed in Visilab Research Center of University of Messina - Italy, by Filippo Battaglia.

    It is a program that uses PSP for help blind children or blind men. This program is able to recognizes the name of the people that are present in that moment in the room. In the future, we'll release more complex version of the program, with a better speed of recognition and with network support, and support for GPS and collision avoidance.

    The program uses new tecnologies that will be available in nd 0.3.2, the next version of nd, as the engine of Vocal Synthesis ndFLite, developed by Carnegie Mellon University, the tecnology PentLand PCA EigenFaces developed by Intel (ndOpenCV libraries), the NanoC, the NanoTile accelerator and the EMI mathematical acceleration developed
    by Filippo Battaglia.

    The homebrew is available here:

    It is only a proof of concept of the program: some menu items don't work and it is normal. The speed is not optimized yet. It is only to understand
    what the program is able to do.

    If you want to use Blind Assistant, you have to download Eyeserver from Visilab website:

    Install Eyeserver on PC with a webcam (this is a temporaneus solution, we are working on GoCam support for PSP), and copy the driver
    ndUsbDriver.Prx on your memory stick.

    After, copy the directory BLINDASSISTANT that is in the zip in the root folder of the memory stick. Install also the application (EBOOT.PBP) in your PSP.

    Remember that Blind Assistant requires a PSP-FAT with fw 1.50 or a FAT with CF and 1.50 emulation.

    After, run Eyeserver on PC, connect a webcam to the PC and connect the PSP to a second USB port.

    Start BlindAssistant. The BA-core will reconfigure automatically your memory stick. If it says that it is unable to connect with the camera, you can try to detach and after attach the PSP USB connect to PC,
    and after you can choose Retry in the error wizard.

    If it is all ok, you could see your image on the screen of PSP. Choose a slot. It will appear a wizard that will guide you in the training of the system. Blind Assistant needs 4 faces for person
    to do a good analysis of the features of a face.

    Try to do training with two people of your family: when you complete, Nanodesktop will generate the new vocal samples and it will register them on your memory stick. After, you'll hear EAS (Envelope Audio
    Support) that executes these samples without using of CPU.

    The PSP could be able to recognize where the people that are subjects of the trainings are in the room and it could say where are.

    Remember that, if you stop the program and if you restart it, Nanodesktop will recall automatically all informations you have registered during the training phase.

    Good, now I'll return to work with the next version of nd. You'll have other informations soon.

    N.B. This version of Blind Assistant is released **ONLY** as proof-of-concept. With the next version of our site, we'll release an official version that is fully working

    Thanks for the attention.
    Filippo Battaglia

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    via pegasus2000

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie ROCKMODE's Avatar
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    This is a very helpful program. I'm looking forward to further development.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro Johnny Rash's Avatar
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    I would have never imagined the PSP could be used in such a helpful manner.

    This is great!

    Sony could learn something from this.

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