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Thread: VTPW Lua Trivia v1.0

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp VTPW Lua Trivia v1.0

    News/release from Victor_raymond

    I have some C++ experience, but this is my first time working with Lua.
    I decided to enhance the homebrew PSP Trivia v1.0 by Anonymous D, because his trivia was very limited to the things I want it to do or it is suppose to do.

    I could have re-wrote the code entirely (long time) but since this is "Learning/Exam season" I thought I would release this early for the students. So I have to use Anonymous D code as a skeleton.

    This would be my 1st post and my 1st release ^_^ *yay*.
    I hope you guy enjoy this programs as I do.

    I have tested this Trivia on 3.40 OE.

    Download Links:

    Mirrors 1:

    VTPW Lua Trivia v1.0

    * New features & changes
    - Added background music at selection screen (less boring)
    - Hold "select" to see Previous Answer (very useful)
    - A simple shortcut to play the Trivia on PC
    (useful when your psp is low battery at school,
    don't say it will never happen, procastinator)

    - Press "Start" to stop Trivia and see your result at anytime
    - Questions can now take up to 4 lines!
    - Proper Score counting (bug fixed)
    - Trivia now support up to 15 quizzes
    - Trivia now support up to 25 questions per quiz
    - New Skin (jpg) and layout design by ME

    * Known bugs
    - Rarely (but it does happen), the score counted wrong if you press x too fast)
    - The "Exit" only work on PC, but not on PSP due to the lua player v0.20
    So use the "PSP home button" to exit the program

    * Bonus
    - I have included 100 Official question of the New U.S Citizen tests.

    * Future update?
    - I might have to re-write 90% of lua code, because Anonymous D did not use
    looping. Why is looping important? Because I may plan to support 50+ quiz
    so looping is necessary to remove tedious work.

    - I think these would be great addtion to VTPW Trivia program
    ( I don't the time to implement these feature, so anyone is welcome to do it)

    1. Randomize questions (a must have)
    2. Word Wrap the questions and answers (a must have)
    3. Sound effect for wrong and right answer
    4. Sound effect for scrolling the menu and answer choices.
    5. Randomize background/skin

    Download Here and Give Feedback Via Comments
    via Victor_raymond

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Anonymous D's Avatar
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    nice work lol good to know someone put in the time i probably should have on the app.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Dec 2005
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    * Bonus
    - I have included 100 Official question of the New U.S Citizen tests.*

    I hope those aren't current test questions. thanks.

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