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Thread: Metroid 2 Remake WIP - Music Progress

  1. #1

    General games Metroid 2 Remake WIP - Music Progress

    Progress on the homebrew game for PC.

    People asked me by mail last week: "Why did you wait so much to start making the game music?". Well, back when the project started I had a very different idea of what the game was going to be like when finished. Now I can see and actually feel how this game is evolving, and these are some ideas I have about the soundtrack:

    It won't be orchestrated. Not because I can't make nice arrangements, I just want to differentiate AM2R from VonRichter's Metroid:SR388 in terms of style, and this includes music.
    And besides, VonRichter clearly kicks my ass at composing epic soundtracks.

    So, I chose a more electronic approach. I'm using some elements from Metroid Prime 1 (filtered drums with background choirs and pads), and the Metroid fights will be like boss battles in Fusion (upbeat techno, just to raise the tension). This kind of sound will fit the game style.

    For example, the main tunnel theme is catchy and invites to the adventure of exploring SR388. The ruins areas are calm and mysterious, the player senses something terrible happened there.

    After clearing an area, as you go deeper into the planet, the main theme changes according to the new areas. Caves become darker, and the music becomes atmospheric and clautrophobic.

    I hope you could understand anything I wrote, it's even more evident that English isn't my native language when I try to describe music.

    About the music progress: I just finished the first version of the main tunnel theme. I'll show you a preview on my next post, right now I'm tweaking the song everytime I get my hands on it.

    This is how the project looked like before automation made it a mess

    NCFC 2008 has been announced, and I've registered a booth. I'm preparing some exclusive material: A new trailer, some new screens of the latest developed areas, and a new demo. The trailer might give you a preview of a Metroid fight, the demo will be mostly an update fixing some bugs, improving performance and adding customizable controls (Finally!!).

    Regarding your comments about the endings: Yes, there will be multiple endings in the game, depending on completion time, item percentage and difficulty level (there are 3). When the time comes I'll be choosing an artist to draw the ending screens, since I totally suck at drawing, and HyruleSwordsMan is specialized in sprites.

    Thank you all for your support.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro mcdougall57's Avatar
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    I never learned how to use cubase properly so I stuck with Reason. please put in the original phendrana drifts music, that kicked arse.

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