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Thread: Nintendo Can't Explain Low Hardcore Sales

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Nintendo Can't Explain Low Hardcore Sales

    Why are titles such as The Conduit and MadWorld not selling on Wii? No one knows, including Nintendo.

    Nintendo of America's vice president of corporate affairs Denise Kaigle told Wired the company is unsure of why its third-party hardcore titles continue to sit on store shelves.

    "You know, I don't know. It's hard to say. It could be titles have the same type of sales curve that a lot of Nintendo titles have," said Kaigler.

    "A lot of Nintendo titles don't follow that traditional sales curve where they launch big and then that's it. Our titles have a long tail."

    Kaigler would continue on to say that she's hopeful sales pickup eventually, and asks fans to help spread the word.

    "We're hopeful that the titles will catch on and that consumers who already have those games will spread the word and others will follow suit there. They're deep experiences, and they're very challenging titles, and we certainly like them. But it's our hope that the games will pick up in popularity and they'll continue to sell."

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Well if your into hardcore games you buy a ps3 or xbox 360.

    if you have some kind of brain disease or you are a an 8 year old girl you buy a wii.

    its pretty clear there are alot of strange people out there right now.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    "Why are titles such as The Conduit and MadWorld not selling on Wii? No one knows, including Nintendo."

    Maybe because 'hardcore' gamers dont like the wiik,they go where the graphics and online are best.Also,the hardcore that have a wii probably have it modded.

  4. #4


    I have a Wii (with MadWorls, BTW!) and a PS3. PS3's graphics are better, but compared to PS1 graphics, which used to have a few "hardcore" games of it's own, the Wii's OK in it's own right. It just needs a power- and graphics- boost and it would be able to stand on it's own for that as well.

    Crazy Frog, I must thank you because you just proved my point that people who consider themselves "Hardcore Gamers" are for the most part (with some notable exceptions, you know who you are.) a bunch of Elitist Jerks who buy into what other people say without an original thought in their heads. Try out Mario Galaxy and see how long it takes you to unlock the hidden character, or load up an emulator and see how many old-school NES games you're actually capable of beating. Graphics ain't everything, folks, they're just a nice addition when you've got everything else already.

    Though you are right, many people prefer style over substance for some unknown reason. Give me any SNES Final Fantasy over the PS1 ones any day.

    And for those of you who think I'm no more than a simple troll, I'd say it to your face as well, even if we argued about it for hours. Most people have more restraint than to slug me for trying to make a point. I apologize for the incoming flames, but it needed to be said.

  5. #5


    Because more and better hardcore titles are on the PS3 and 360, and usually they will spend their moeny for those games, like I mainly do. Not that I don't like some Wii games, but the PS3 wins it out for me.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Okay the reason why these games are not selling is because hardcore gamers whom I assume probably have a more powerful console wouldn't buy a wii just to play a third party title. This certain game may be good and it may stand out from all the other titles on that platform but that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone would go out of their way to buy a 250 dollar console just to play Madworld or the Conduit when they could just go and pay 50 dollars to play any other game on their console which is just as good or better. And also economically speaking that is just plain stupid

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Mad World is NOT HARDCORE ..... I hate when I see that.

    Swinging the remote and pressing the A button isn't hardcore. There's absolutely no dept to this game.

    It's just a violent kiddy game.

  8. #8


    If Nintendo are wondering why they no longer have a hardcore fan base, could it be because even the old school Ninty fans feel betrayed by the endless waves of gimmicky tripe released on the machine?

    As rightly pointed out several times on this thread already, most hardcore gamers will buy a 360 or PS3 and all the die hard Nintendo fans of old continue to grow disillusioned with the lack of real games (or at least the option for traditional contols). Motion controls are great for party games and other multiplayer fun and I'm not saying it should be discarded, but there should have always been a choice. The Wii has (under-utilized) Gamecube controller ports after all....

  9. #9
    DCEmu Regular WhizzBang's Avatar
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    But the Wii controls are great if implemented properly. The controls to Metroid Prime are sublime and almost as good as a mouse and keyboard. Super Mario Galaxy also had fantastic controls, as did Resident Evil 4.

    However, too many games makers think that Wii games have to involve lots of movement and actions and waving around of the controller. The above mentioned games all understand that you don't have to use every feature of the Wii controls in your game.

    I agree with what KingSlime80 said earlier. I find most 'hardcore' games to be adolescent fantasy rubbish. I have a 360 and I think Saints Row is one of the worst games I have played in my life, and I was bored rigid by the first 3 levels of Halo 3 and never got any further. Many of the best 360 games are on XBox Live Arcade like Pac Man Championship Edition and Jet Pac. Oblivion is the only 360 game I have which I consider to be very good and too good for the Wii.

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