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Thread: What's Happened To Nintendo's "New Play Control"?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev What's Happened To Nintendo's "New Play Control"?

    When first announced, Nintendo's line of "New Play Control" games seemed like a great idea. Repackage games from the criminally unloved GameCube, then sell them onto a massive audience that missed them first time around. So what's happened?

    It's been over a year since the first "New Play Control" title was released in Japan, and since then, only a handful of games have been "updated" for the Wii with new features like Wii Remote compatibility and 16:9 visuals. And not many of them are any good.

    So come on, Nintendo. Where are the rest? There are dozens of titles released on the GameCube that are due a second lease on life. Titles like these.

    We've gone ahead and made a selection of some of the games we think are most deserving of a Wii re-release. Some, like Wind Waker, are purely for the 16:9 visuals. Others, like F-Zero, are because they're amazing games that never received the sales, or credit they were due, all because they were released on the poor little GameCube.

    Also selected are a couple of amazing games that used Nintendo's fun, but under-utilised Game Boy Advance connectivity. Re-release them on the Wii and you can just split the screen and let four players go at it. Finally, we've also picked out a few classic titles from third-party publishers, which to date are yet to be represented in the New Play Control line.

    While some may benefit from Wii controls and others may not, it's not - despite the line's name - all about the controller in your hand. The key point here is that there were many GameCube games that suffered unduly from problems plaguing the console itself; with the Wii now the best-selling platform in the world, this is more about giving those games a second chance with people who missed them first time around.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro XDelusion's Avatar
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    Eternal Darkness, only now it can make use of the Wii Heart Monitor doohicky!

    It'll never happen, but I wish it had.

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