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Thread: Devhook Not loading UMDs

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Jun 2007
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    Angry Devhook Not loading UMDs

    I've been using devhook .46 for a very long time on my psp 1.5 so i know that the problem isnt because of the ISO and I know its not the umd because it still loads without devhook. So the only thing thats changed is I added a new XMB wave on fimeware version 2.5 and 2.71, and as soon as I booted the FW it didnt even try and load the umd In the drive. So i took out the umd put it back in, didnt work. So then I recompiled the iso, still didnt work. The strang thing is it effected all the fw versions including 2.6.
    Even Stranger is that I only changed the two FW flash files not the Devhook files...
    And I also reinstalled the moddified firmwares... no change.

    ANY Ideas for why this is happening?

  2. #2


    Recompile hahaha.

    Why not install 3.40 OE-A?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    If something in devhook or the firmware files on your mstick it uses to 'emulate' the higher firmwares is corrupt or not working in some way, why not just delete everything from your mstick and install fresh from the same files you originally installed with?

    I cant see any possible way that couldnt get you back to normal unless your PSP is busted somehow. Devhook 0.46 is completely on your memory stick and in ram (it doesnt mess with your psp's internal flash). If your memory stick is wiped clean and the PSP is power cycled there is nothing left of it on there to cause issues.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Jun 2007
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    Talking its been fixed

    I realized that the problem was due to another recent modification involving the IR Shell Hombrew mod to the 2.71 and main DH Devhook files. I just had to delete the firmware and dh folder and replace them with the backup on my computer. So as of yesterday it has been fixed.

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