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Thread: Space Dodger, my first Dreamcast game

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Space Dodger, my first Dreamcast game

    * Hello everyone! Today I'm glad to announce that i have finished and tested v1.0 of my game and everything works ok. Space Dodger is a game made with Fenix completely from scratch and I made it trying to use some goodies of the Dreamcast hardware. The game uses some designs from Macross/Robotech, and it's mainly a shoot'em up game where you will need to have some dodging skills too!! . There is some info taken directly from the readme:

    * In-Game artwork completely made from scratch
    * Coded thinking in Dreamcast hardware (using every trick I knew to gain speed)
    * High resolution graphics (640x480 resolution, 16 bit depth)
    * Full of sounds and music (well, songs make everything to sound choppy, but I didn't have
    another choice)
    * 40 FPS constant framerate, with very little slowdown on some levels (level 3 for example)
    * Four levels of increasing difficulty (I know... it's short)
    * Four kind of powerups (two weapon powerups)
    * Three kind of enemies
    * Analog - digital controller support (analog has some glitches, but well... it's there)
    * Only for one player
    * HOW TO PLAY:

    Here is the list of basic controls of the game:

    Digital pad - Analog pad (left and right only): Move the ship
    A button: Shoot(hold when powerup is gained)
    B button: Jump to next stage (when available)
    Start button: Start game/pause game
    A+B+X+Y+Start: Exit to the menu/reboot DC

    * Some screenshots:

    - Intro screen

    - Kill those Pods on level 2!

    - An asteroid shower in level 4

    - A WIP level that never make to the final version

    - A fullscreen screenshot from level 3

    * If you want to download, please read the file "readme.txt" before burning or playing.
    * Don't forget that all feedback and constructive criticism is welcome!

    * Download is at my homepage: or if you want to save my bandwith: (thanks a lot Wraggster!!)

    * Enjoy!!

  2. #2
    Dream Coder
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    If anyone is looking to buy, sell, trade games and support a developer directly at the same time, consider joining Goozex. Enjoy!

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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  4. #4
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    hey looks a great game, ill give it a proper run through tommorrow

    very nice to see new Fenix games appearing for Dreamcast first

    news being posted and a proper mirror for your work ( to save killing your webspace)

    Whats the Kart Racer game ? also

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Thanks a lot , hope you like it. Wraggster, if you want to put this game on a compilation, I can give you the "source" files. Oh! and the kart racer game... he, he.. it's a game I made a time ago... and I never finished. It's made in Dark Basic, so no DC port.. , maybe if I learn other programming language... but not anytime soon.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Coder Atari's Avatar
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    Default Wow!

    VERY nice work! The game offers a decent challenge (although I beat it the first time through); the last level is tough as hell with the superfast asteroids flying down at you. The "press B to warp" feature is a nice touch too! I'm happy to see someone is actually using Fenix to write original games. Now if only I had more time to work on/finish my own shooter (I've been swamped with work since early January, which explains my absence lately)... (((

    Again, great work! Maybe this will light a fire under the asses of others to write their own games.

    The World Of Owen Rubin
    Atari Coinop Game Programmer #4

  7. #7


    This is pretty cool. Very nice to finally see an orignal game for the Dreamcast using Fenix and it's one of the few quality Fenix games I've yet seen, too. Yea!

    Why is there a limited number of levels though? The enemies seem to appear randomly, so why not infinite levels?

    My only other suggestion would be that the standard shot be as fast as the double shot and the double shot be even faster, because even with the double shot--let alone standard--I find it impossible to hit every baddie that comes on screen, which my shrink tells me is okay, but it always ;eaves me feeling just a bit unfulfilled.

    It's too bad you don't plan to updating Space Dodger any time soon, but it's probably good enough as is. Do you think any of your other projects might involve the Dreamcast?

    ...word is bondage...

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Well, first, lot of thanks to everybody. Atari, firstly I want to thank you for your great tutorial on how to make Fenix games selfbootables, it really helped me a lot. So, maybe I can give you something back by helping you to finish your game.

    Well second, to Swater Fish Deluxe, really I want to continue this game, but I don't want to promise something that maybe I wouldn't do for some reason... and the other thing is that was really a lot of CD waste to make this game, I had a lot of non booting versions... and starting out making a new version requires to have more money, that I have to make first . That of infinite levels is a good idea that I had from one of my betatesters too... but I was thinking... maybe don't do the warp automatically in harder levels is another choice, what do you think? And about shoots... standard shoot can be as fast as your finger is, but don't forget that it decreases 5 points if you waste one of them, so what I'm gonna make is the 3-shots faster, that's truth... is slow!!

    Oh, and about other projects?? hehe... I want to learn C++ to continue coding on the DC (and PC too), but before that, that will be in a long time from here, I want to help anybody to make his Dreamcast game. Fenix is powerful, you have to know it s pros and cons and then... you can make lots of different 2D (and pseudo 3D) games. I want to make a good tutorial too, but I'll need a bit of help because my english is not good, and I don't have experience on writing them.

  9. #9


    At first your English isn't bad at all. Remember that it'll also get better as you read and write more and more. Also looking English TV and movies helps a lot.

    Thanks for that game - I love Sh'mups

  10. #10
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    a great fenix game and with you coing it yourself it makes it more impressive to me.

    i must get some tutorials up and learn myself

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