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Thread: Konami Announces The Silent Hill Collection

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Konami Announces The Silent Hill Collection

    Source - TVG

    The end of April (in America at least) marks perhaps the best chance to date of a videogame receiving a decent Hollywood adaptation with the release of Silent hill across cinema. In a move to promote the release Konami have today announced plans to release the Silent Hill Collection on the Playstation2, which comprises Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 and Silent Hill 4: The Room, providing the ideal opportunity to experience the series if you've yet to do so.

    Additionally Konami will also shortly release The Silent Hill Experience on the PSP. An interactive comic-book of sorts, the unique UMD title provides six different comics, a variety of music, an interview with the film's director Christophe Gans and Konami's producer Akira Yamaoka, along with an assortment of trailers from the games and movie.

    The Silent Hill Collection is slated for release on April 13th, followed by the release of The Silent Hill Experience on PSP UMD on May 26th.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro b8a's Avatar
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    I think it's a mistake not to release the collection on the PSP. I played the GBA comic Silent Hill and it left a lot to be desired. I wish Konami would stop screwing over us portable afficianados with scaled down, unexciting ports (ala Metal Gear... I would've been more excited by ANOTHER MGS1 remake than by a card game)

    On the other hand though, the collection for the PS2 sounds pretty cool. The first one was the only one I ever had time to play, so it'd be cool to go pick this up for Halloween.

  3. #3
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    Default lord why not release it on PSP? More chance of people possibly purchasing it for the psp while others may already have these games for ps2 <_<.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Thumbs up I never liked these games,

    They can coin a phrase like doom clone and run it into the ground.
    But for some reason silent hill, has avoided all the flac of being the complete lackluster clone that it is.

    I mean heres the story of silent hill, as I see it.

    Some time ago. when the survival horror genre had just began to bloom.
    some guy on crack cocain woke up to find, he was out of crack
    Takeing to the streets to find his connection, wondering what hes going to steal today to pay for his addiction, he sees a poaster for resident evil in the window of a video rental store, Hmm that looks like somthing somone might pay for,
    sneaking in the video rental place, he snags a copy of resident evil and quickly dashes out of the store.

    Later on after much searching the man manages to find his dealer,
    Showing him the copy of resident evil, The dealer is stunned that this complete moron brought him a video game instead of money, Feeling sorry for the poor burn out crack adict , The dealers accepts the game as payment.

    After the burnt out crackhead left the dealer,not knowing what to do this this game he took it to his supplier

    You guessed it, the rest is history
    the sub par lack luster silent hill was born

    Seriously, silent hill ='s videogarbage

    Ps, for all the goobers out there that fail to see the humer in this post, it WAS ment to be funny, But it seems every time I lay my hands upon a keyboard lately somone somwhere takes offence, So screw it Take offence silent hill sucks anyway

  5. #5
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    Silent Hill is the best videogame ever IMO. Best story, best atmosphere. It rocks!

    Tough one on psp wouldn't have the same impact, because seeing it in a large tv is much different that on a small screen.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Regular rmedtx's Avatar
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    Silent Hill is the best survival horror series out there. I think they should re-make SH1 with PS2 graphics. I have SH2, 3 and 4 for PS2 but I will probably buy the collection release too. Oh, and the Silent Hill experience too. Silent Hill rocks!

  7. #7
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    Silent Hill 1 was my favorite one and the only one ive ever beaten. Why is this one not being released at all in the collection? I never really got into the other ones but 2 was decent as well, just wish I could play the first one again. The movie looks really good for being a video game, and I never like the way these games come out in movie form.

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