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Thread: Neverball/Neverputt bugs.

  1. #1
    4ALLs coder chui's Avatar
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    Exclamation Neverball/Neverputt bugs.

    Please post here any bug of Nerverball/Neverputt game.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Tried to download but the "download discjuggler image here" link brings me right to the main page and i can't find where to actually download it. It looks very fun and interesting though.

    EDIT : nevermind, i think i just tried too soon

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Haven't played much yet, but very very fun so far. The only major bug I would like to point out so far is in some levels the ball rolls right through walls and off the course, has happened to me so far on levels 3,4,5, and 6 on easy mode (thats about as much as i've had time to play so far). That is all i notice so far, otherwise, this seems quite complete for a first version, good job.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Wow, amazing game! So far, there isn't much problems beyond what one would expect from an alpha release. From what i have played so far, Hard-17 is the buggiest stage, with the ball texture occasionally disappearing, and memory-leak induced freezing is more common. I've also encountered the same pass-through-walls glitch reported by nate9999. Also, sometimes the music stops, but i found out that if you pause and unpause the game, the music returns.

    (Off-topic: So, i've been playing this dreamcast port, but i'd really like to play it on my PC; but the framerate is awful, even with all enhancements turned off. Does anybody here knows what else can i do to get the PC version running decently?)

    EDIT: Whoa, try playing Mehdi-5! The lack of transparent polygons is quite obvious... Also, Hard-24's framerate is way lower than normal, is that because Dreamcast has problems rendering pipes?

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    These are mi problems:

    Neverball: The sama ass announced, but y played well.
    NeverPutt: ome strange thing acurrs when y pause the game. And the music is erratic.

    Now, i can explain more in spanish:

    Te envio mis problemas en español porque mi inglres es medio patetico:

    NeverBall me funciona bien, aunque me ocurre lo mismo que al resto con el correr del tiempo.

    NeverPutt (Mi favorito): Cuando pauso el juego, algo raro ocurre. La musica va i viene, osea como que se detiene y luego de un rato arranca sola nuevamente (calculo que debe ser algun archivo de sonido que no lo soporta aun).

    Igualmente, nada de esto impidio que este jugando un buen rato.

    Te agradezco todo tu trabajo puesto en portar este juego.


  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    On the neverputt problems, i've seen some problems in pausing, yes, but only when you pause the game at any screen that displays "Hole ##", followed by "Player #". When you unpause, the game goes to a hole number 00, which is a copy of hole number 1, but without music. After you complete it, the game goes back to the start of the hole number 1, with everything working normally (including music), except you start with the score you had on the hole when you completed it before you glitched and went to hole zero. It gets even weirder when you do the glitch on a multiplayer game.

    One thing, drcacho, when you say the music comes and goes when you pause, you mean the music sometimes stops when you pause? I've never seen the music stopping when i pause, in fact, pausing always brings the music back when it has stopped (except on a special case, explained in the paragraph below).
    (Since you have problems with your english, here's the above paragraph in portuguese: Uma coisa, drcacho, quando você diz que a música vai e vêm quando você pausa, você quer dizer que algumas vezes a música pára por causa de um pause? Nunca vi a música parar por causa de um pause, de fato, pausar sempre traz a música de volta quando ela já parou (exceto num caso especial, explicado no parágrafo abaixo))

    More on the music: The files on the disc have an .ogg extension, but no music player plays them. As it seems, changing the extension to .mod instead of .ogg fixes it. (i got the idea from the fact that chui used .mod files on a previous port, noiz2sa)
    By the way, there's a problem with one of the musics (track2 / - --Skyrider-- -), it gets silent from 2:50 to 3:11 and then repeats the last 5 seconds that had sound, so if you ever experienced some kind of stuttering that the pause button couldn't fix, it probably was this music.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I've been playing this port since it was released and, man, its still fun! Lots and lots of replayability! BTW, one thing i'm not sure about is saving, my sole VMU is full and i don't know how many blocks i'll have to delete in order to save... That is, if it saves at all, which i suspect it doesn't. Also, given the sizes of replays available at, i'm guessing we dreamcast owners will never have a replay-saving release, right? Also, will you port the Reflection feature (currently disabled for this alpha)?

    Another bug: Something is wrong with time or platform-moving speed, and i'm suspecting it's the former. As it stands, Mehdi 2 and 24 are impossible, because time ends before the moving platforms reach the goal. They simply don't move fast enough for anyone to complete the stage.
    If you want to see this for yourself, define a point on Mehdi 2 (for example, after you pass the big ramp with 3 coins on its top and you are back again on the moving platform). Write down what the clock was displaying there. Then, watch a replay on your PC version (or just play the stage all the way there). Compare the clocks at the same spot. You'll see Dreamcast version has less time remaining.
    Now, this could very well be a bug with the platforms' speed, but i'm guessing time problems because Hard 25 is way too difficult to complete while collecting all coins. Yeah, it could be a problem with my route, or with my ball skills, but that's why i'm just guessing it, not affirmating it is indeed a time problem.

    Collision problems have been already mentioned, but i actually found a good use to it; two Mehdi stages (11, 15) have some rings blocking access to the goal. Keep pushing the ball against the blockers, however, and you eventually go through them, finishing the stage in record time! This worked normally for me in Mehdi 11, but i had to switch on all graphical enhancements in order to go through Mehdi 15's goal blocker. BTW, yeah, the higher the number of graphical enhancements on, the worse collision detection gets.
    Speaking of graphical enhancements, Textures and Background apparently aren't much harmful in respect to memory leaks, specially if compared to Shadow and Geometry. Oh, and all Shadow does is leaving some strange black marks across the stage. Weird.
    One last thing; if you have any sort of list of priorites of what to work on for a next release of neverball-DC, bump collision detection to the top of it. So far, it's the most gameplay-warping bug, it screws a lot of objects, including but not limited to pratically all objects with a curved surface. And this game has a lot of that.

    Last bug: I was playing through Mehdi 24 and suddenly the screen froze, but the game went on! I mean, i could hear the game going on (my ball fell-out right after that, then i heard the "Ready? Set! GO!" sample, then, after a while, my ball fell again (moving platform)), normal music and everything, but the screen was static. Reseting solved it, but it was quite creepy, really. I think i'm already used to the usual stops-everything memory leak freeze.

    EDIT: I messed up when i was describing the "another bug" at the second paragraph. It should be okay now.

  8. #8


    I trust you built this with the latest SVN version (1081?). It has fixed the sound lag problem (evident on Windows), also has 75+ new levels for both Neverball and Neverputt, and most importantly, NB & NP are now COMPLETELY navigable via Joystick. Hopefully the transparency bug can be fixed easily - I am unaware how DC handles transparency...

    Good Luck with it!

  9. #9


    As the game is GPL, where is your source code for the Dreamcast?

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