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Thread: DCEmu Asks - Nintendo NES / Famicom a History & Whats the greatest NES Game Ever ?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Home/News DCEmu Asks - Nintendo NES / Famicom a History & Whats the greatest NES Game Ever ?

    Hi all this is a network wide feature of sorts ill be doing for just about every console thats emulated and that we own, in time it can be used as a reference point for people to look at what games are the very best on each system

    Firstly heres a look at each system and a description to remind you of the history of the console.

    Talk about a success story. Nintendo's jump into the console market was a gamble which turned a simple toy company into one of the biggest videogame console manufacturers in the biz.

    Nintendo began it's gaming history producing arcade hits like Donkey Kong and Mario Bros, and selling the licensing rights to those games for home console use (See Colecovision). Eventually Nintendo decided to take a crack at the home console industry.

    The Nintendo Famicom (FAMIly COMputer) videogame system was released in Japan in 1984. The console's great specs, and ports on Nintendo's popular arcade titles, quickly made it a popular favorite in Japan. The Famicom sold 2.5 million systems in that same year. With success achieved in Japan, Nintendo set it's eyes on the American gaming market. They began negotiations with the American videogame console industry leader Atari to bring the Famicom to the U.S.

    The "Great Videogame Crash of 1984", and some poor business announcements forced Atari to pull out of the agreement. After the negotiations with Atari to sell the Famicom fell through, Nintendo decided to release the system on their own regardless of the weak videogame market or the recent crash occurring in the States. Nintendo take a chance? You bet, but they were not going to gamble without doing their homework.

    They called the US. version of the Famicom the 'Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)', and designed it to look less like a videogame console and more like something that would fit in with other home entertainment appliances. Nintendo took steps to make the system seem like a computer or a VCR. Nintendo even agreed to buy back all unsold inventory in order to get retailers to take a chance on them.

    The NES also used 72 pin cartridges (The Famicom used 60 pin). Four of the additional pins were used for Nintendo's patented lockout chip. This initially prevented software developers from producing unlicensed games for the NES. Nintendo used the lockout chip and restrictions on 3rd party software developers to prevent the over saturation of bad games that contributed to the "Videogame Crash".

    The system was originally targeted for release in spring of 1985, but the release date was pushed back. After test-marketing in the New York City area in late fall, the system was released nationwide in February of 1986.

    The Nintendo NES was an amazing success, and revived the videogame console market in the United States. Nintendo ushered in the 3rd Generation of console gaming.

    Nintendo would later debut the NES successor, but would still try to cash in on the remainder of the NES's success. In 1993, Nintendo released a top loading NES model 2. This newer model was scaled down to nearly half the size of the original. The case was a sleeker design (Like a smoother Famicom). The cartridge port was more stable, and used eject & power buttons similar to it's successor the SuperNES. Even the controller had the "bone-like" shape of the SuperNES. This new model sold for $45. The cheaper price came at the loss of the original model's interface and A/V output ports. Nintendo dropped support for this new model a year later. Today, it's a collectors item.

    The NES had sold over 62 million systems and over 500 million games, making it the most popular videogame system of it's time.

    FACT: Nintendo's success introduced some of the most interesting accessories and conversions. Who could forget the "Power Glove", and "Rob the Robot". Nintendo slapped "NES-like" hardware into an Arcade cabinet and released Nintendo Playchoice to arcades everywhere. In Japan they released a disk drive accessory that allowed gamers to download games from vending machines onto a disk.

    Thanks again to Dark Watcher for his info above.

    Now heres our question to you - Whats the greatest NES Game Ever ?

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    to answer myself the Nes was a fantastic system, my faves included Mario 1, 2 and especially Mario 3, Tecmo World Wrestling was awesome. Nes Open Golf is simply the worlds best Golf game ever. Punch out was a good game also and i cant forget Zelda 1, the RPG that set millions of fans loving the RPG genre

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Mario 2, 3 and Captain Skyhawk.
    Don't **** with the HAWKMAN EVER. =|
    Also Maniac Mansion port was the best of them all

  4. #4
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    Super Dodge Ball + all three Super Mario games.

  5. #5

    Default Hrmm.... the best eh?

    I would say the best is awfully close between these 3 - Mario games, Zelda games, and Donkey Kong games. They even have spinoffs that are still around.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Mega Man 2
    Super Mario Bros. 3
    Blaster Master
    Ninja Gaiden 2
    Bionic Commando

    too many to name, so many great games.

  7. #7

    Default >_<

    Yeah so many great games! I completely forgot about Mega Man another great game with many spinoffs.

    Edit: LOL Powerglove and Rob the robot >_<. I had both powerglove was interesting, but Rob didnt make it after I got squashed for the 100th time by a pole it should have raised

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro steve520's Avatar
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    of course all 3 mario's easily and probably galaga i played that like crazy i did play a little donkeykong though ahhh nintendo days.....

  9. #9
    DCEmu Rookie ZeakStarwind's Avatar
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    There's too many freakin favorites and bests for this I'll just go with what I believe was great for it.

    RockMan Series (MegaMan)
    Duck Tales
    Final Fantasy
    Snake Rattle n Roll

    There's too many so I'll go with these.

  10. #10


    i think that, this were the best games

    1.super mario bros
    3.the legend of zelda
    7.mike tysons punch-out
    8.tecmo bowl gaiden
    10.blaster master

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