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Thread: Question about menus on homebrew loader

  1. #1
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Jul 2005
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    Default Question about menus on homebrew loader

    I haven't gotten my PSP yet ( just ordered it on ebay ) but i have been looking at screenshots and stuff and I have noticed that in the homebrew loader there are a lot of screens that say "PSP DEV - LOADER" or something, for example in the last screenshot on this page:
    and it has the picture of mai with her ass sticking out. i was just wondering where does the picture for that come from and is there any way i can get it to not display mai? because my girlfriend is very sensitive to these kind of things and i would like to be able to change the picture if possible.

    is this possible? thanks

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular shizzle's Avatar
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    YEs you can. Get sei psp tool or the pbp compiler/ extracter. You need to make your own .png icon or you can download one, i suggest You can also skin the backgrounds as well as icons with pic1.png in the eboot. This can all be done whilst you are customisng the eboot for putting it in the kxploit or just export to 1.0 psp if you have one. You can also skin the background of the psp menu using pspersonalise with skins from the web site or your own .bmp of correct dimentions.

    For this week i am going to rate all questions and make an average to see how many stupid ones we get a week.
    This has been a quite sensible question but has been asked before and could have searched up on. 4/5 and a video

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    sorry, i didn't know if anybody had asked it before and i am at work right now so i don't have a lot of time. THANK YOU for the response

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Jul 2005
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    whats so wrong with just answering the damn question....sometimes people cant find it or maynot even know the right terminology to even begin to search for it....

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