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Thread: 1.51 information for you

  1. #1
    DCEmu Pro YourStillWithMe's Avatar
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    Post 1.51 information for you

    ok people lets all think for a second. Sony is creating updates so we cant play homebrew, right!?

    Alright there is a 1.00 ver for japan and theres 1.50, 1.51, 1.52 and 2.0 also for everyone including the uk. Now lets see not a lot of people really have 1.51 and most of the systems now are either shipped with a 1.50 (at one point. . .there not being shipped anymore) and 1.52's are mostly on the market. In some of the games Sony made it impossible to start the game without the update, right? (Does the WAB trick that secretly disguises your psp actually friggin work when a game with an update requirement work!?) Some required a 1.52 update, (Namco Museum which that game sucks) others a 1.50 (dead to rights) The more recent a game is the higher the upgrade is for the most part. Now heres where it gets interesting

    1.51 was made probably aabout 1-2 months after the psp was released. What exactly is different in terms of FEATURES? (not SECURITY) I think its one language setting or something REALLY REALLY stupid. But then sony released a 1.52 upgrade i'd say with 2 weeks, that's right! 2 friggin weeks! hmm why would they do this so quickly!??? Sony must've not liked something that they did with the 1.51 ver. firmware! Why else would they go through the hassle of releasing in on the jap and us sites, putting it on umd's making it work through the network update on your psps, etc. etc! Sony didn't like something on the 1.51! I'm sure its very crackable and has a little difference in file arrangment. . .think of 1.0 and 1.5 the files just had to be divided sort of speak. . .divided further perhaps? I dont know all im saying is that I think we should focus on cracking one thing at a time so be learn more and more about sonys mistakes. SURE 2.0 cracked would be insanely nice but I think that in order to do that we need to understand the eary firmwares first. once again think about the umd's dead to rights was an early game and the newer games require mostly 1.52 I think

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    well, nice thaughts but doenst looks like its worth to focus about 1.51 cuz there aint thqat much psp outta there.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie Fly On's Avatar
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    That's a pretty dumb question.
    Sony didn't care about new features when making the 1.5x updates. ALL of us know the purpose to the 1.5x updates, so there's really no need to speculate any more on this subject.
    If 1.51 is so similar to 1.5, then why hasn't there been a new workaround for it? Common sense man.
    And with the new downgrader on the horizon, we won't need to go into explioting the 1.5x firmwares at all.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Good logic, I hear what you're saying. However, you said it yourself. Not that many people even have 1.51 anymore, so a hack would effect a small perecentage of the psp community. I'm not saying it would be useless, but it wouldn't effect a majority.

    But with the downgrader seeming more and more unreachable, perhaps it would be nice to see if someone could accomplish it.

  5. #5
    PSP User
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    Just pointing this out, he's not saying that cracking 1.51 would help a lot of people, he's saying it would help people crack 1.52 and 2.0.

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