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Thread: Rumour - The Bug Released - Nintendo Piracy Bug in the Open ?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Rumour - The Bug Released - Nintendo Piracy Bug in the Open ?

    Hmm i cant verify whats posted on other forums but if true this will really put the cat amongst the pigeons, basically it seems that the exploit to use writeable DVDs which for homebrew has good implications but also sadly for piracy is out in the open, full details via comments.

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  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    MartinStatic - - posted this:

    Hey, howdy Wiibrew peeps, you know me already, anyways, I'm was on the IRC, so this is still fresh news, and just told that 'the' bug (maybe Bushings? who knows) was released by Waninioko and was given a link
    Some spanish site -

    I dont know anything, but we were was told :

    function 8E DVDLowEnableDvdVideo allows reading of plain DVD's
    by someone called 'boorp' I translated the site using an online translator
    EDIT : The translation was too bad, heres a better one from GBATemp


    Beforehand, I have to say that Waninkoko explained me all of this. I know publishing this here is betraying him, but without publishing it i'm betraying myself for having the way for the scene to advance and not using it.

    The exploit is all about the Nintendo's idiotness. If you look at the DVD commands taken from the Revolution SDK there's 8E DVDLowEnableDVDVideo, that they forgot to remove. If you can modify IOS to use this funcion instead, this activates a special mode from the DVD to enable DVD-R reading (in this case, its purpose was enabling VIDEO DVD's)

    If you modify IOS to enable this (you need to do it in a special way), you could enable reading of DVD-R's from homebrew and the DVD drive would read it.

    About backup loading.. you have to work that out a bit first.

    To read data once DVD-Video mode is activated, another special funcition is used, that is, a backup would use the normal function, not the dvd-video one, so you would have to hack a little more for the backups to load.

    DVD_LowEnableVideo was programmed for a DVD player that they didn't create, but they left it there. The thing is, activating DVD Video mode is not simple as it checks for the UID of the process that wants to activate it, it can only be activated if the UID is 0, depending if the mode is activated or not, a variable is set to 1 or 0.

    Using another reading function which is very similar to DVD_LowUnencryptedRead you could read discs in dvd-video mode and read sectors in a normal way. The problem is that DVD games use DVD_LowRead; to read data from the game partition we need it to use the special reading function, ¿how? Hacking IOS (creating a backup-only IOS), patching-on-the-fly (difficult).

    That's all. I'm Dj-Celta with my new user.

    Message for Waninkoko: I'm sorry, I couldn't keep it to myself and I can't understand not publishing the bug. Nintendo knows about this.

    Message for the rest: Don't ask me, I don't know anything else.

    If anyone can make anything of that, tell us, cos I didnt read it all cos I'm not really a dev or big into programming, but my guess is that Wanky will release a cIOS (again) that allows a preioiusly unknown command that can read dvd's? Correct me here please


    EDIT : Marcan has explained that Nintendo didn't take them here are 2 more important posts from him


    No, they still don't know. Well, now they do, but they didn't before. We hadn't gotten to that point of communication. By the way, you're missing some things. This isn't all of the film. There's already a few who say they know the bug, but are missing something.

    Within the next days we will publish a library to read DVD-Rs without a chip in homebrew. And I say publicly: Waninkoko and co., refrain from releasing a cIOS with this, since it's not necessary (I repeat the fact that I know something you [plural you] don't know).

    And for those who want to pirate, since we have seen using the bug for it isn't trivial, the question is... do you have an IOS hacker with the necessary ability to turn this into a backup loader (and the intention) - and on short term?


    So do not understand.
    If only wanted "to know" the answer of what would have cost Nintendo having published (along with the letter elsewhere, for example) that this method would be in the form of granting access to the library for the use of Homebrew DVD-R discs soon and stifle the cries on alleged "loaders" with answers like "this method only provides the opportunity to read recordable discs for the machine, not a load of games." With that had been silenced the thousands of posts on this subject that have flooded EOL during this time (and many other sites).

    The new method was discovered after the foregoing. And we wanted to know the answer to Nintendo. In this case, the answer seems to be that Nintendo does not take us very seriously, as they have answered but show little interest, so we're going to get the lib.

    beatleariel wrote: And with this form does not diminish piracy giving you the code and cut the roll to those who profit by selling / installing chips dubious legality?

    _ ¬ ¬ think a bit ... if they are short sellers to roll the chip is because there is a cheaper alternative (in this case, price zero). And obviously it's going to increase piracy. That is done by chips or backuploader never mind. $#@!, this is the first economy.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    DCEmu Coder vicious1988's Avatar
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    Who called it? Huh? I knew that $#@! was leftover from the devkits.

    Maybe it was tehskeen I posted it on, don't remember.
    Quote Originally Posted by locdogg on SA forums
    I took a sociology class once that said there are gangs of Depeche Mode fans in Russia. Think about that. A gang who's identity is built on liking Depeche Mode.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowblind View Post
    Something is wrong here. i don't think this guy would betray waninoko if he was his friend. Even then i don't understand; is he trying to start or stop the piracy scene before its started?
    I'm not sure about that part. However, Marcan did post the following in that ElOtroLado thread...

    No, they still don't know. Well, now they do, but they didn't before. We hadn't gotten to that point of communication. By the way, you're missing some things. This isn't all of the film. There's already a few who say they know the bug, but are missing something.

    Within the next days we will publish a library to read DVD-Rs without a chip in homebrew. And I say publicly: Waninkoko and co., refrain from releasing a cIOS with this, since it's not necessary (I repeat the fact that I know something you [plural you] don't know).

    And for those who want to pirate, since we have seen using the bug for it isn't trivial, the question is... do you have an IOS hacker with the necessary ability to turn this into a backup loader (and the intention) - and on short term?
    Apparently, for homebrew purposes, they are going to release a library to read DVD-Rs without a drive chip. It also sounds as if there is no requirement for a custom IOS. It was already stated (including on the first post here) that Nintendo apparently didn't take them seriously and showed little interest.

    EDIT: This has just been posted by Marcan on Bushing's blog...

    DVD Access Library (no modchip required)

    Note: this is not a backup loader, in any way, shape, or form. If you’re looking for a backup loader, please move along.

    While Nintendo did reply to bushing’s open letter, he has not succeeded in establishing a conversation with an engineer about the issue. Furthermore, we have learned that they received and read at least two of the original three e-mails that were sent prior to the open letter, and decided not to reply (in fact, one of their replies was to one of the original e-mails, but only after the open letter was posted). Therefore, we can only conclude that they are not very interested in the issue.

    As many of you may already know or have deduced, the bug in our open letter referred to a way of reading DVD-Rs (and Video DVDs) without the use of a modchip. Several people have investigated the bug independently, and they’ve gotten pretty close. However, we did discover an easier way of enabling this mode from homebrew, which, among other things, does not require any changes to IOS at all. This method is also relatively difficult to transform into some sort of backup loader.

    Erant has been developing a library that uses this trick to enable DVD access for homebrew. We hope to release it this coming week, after a few details have been polished. svpe and dhewg have been working on a native mplayer port that uses this library to play back DVDs, which we hope to release as a proof-of-concept together with the library. We also have DVD-loading versions of snes9x and Genplus.

    Non-modchip users will not need a custom IOS. Ironically, this method doesn’t work for users of some modchips. Therefore, these users will require a patched IOS using the well-known UnencryptedRead patch (the library will automatically use it if needed). We’ll try to release a somewhat more user-friendly version of patchmii dedicated to this task together with the library.
    Last edited by h2923j42n2; July 27th, 2008 at 01:42.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie dahun's Avatar
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    they left some code in to play DVDS that can be used to play backups withought even modifing the iso (or ios watever) so the detection would 0 possible between homebrew plp and pirates

    ~~~sevaral days after loaders realesed~~~


  7. #7
    DS User Drego's Avatar
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    If there will be a DVD movie player, that would be the final homebrew for me that I will ever ask for. I'm glad they are so for Homebrew and actually trying to deter piracy. I can't wait...

  8. #8


    So, i will be able to play some bakcups in the future, pirating some games huh???

    Great, I did really wanna test some games before i purchase em, my local video game rental doesn't have em

    Lets see how do nintendo reacts to this, will be pretty entertaining to see this

  9. #9
    DCEmu Rookie Mini Moose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KristenBaldousor View Post
    Great, I did really wanna test some games before i purchase em,
    That's a load of BS. It's not like you're (or anyone else who does this) going to actually buy the real thing afterwards. It's Piracy. Period.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro mcdougall57's Avatar
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    These are the problems with using old technology and hardware. The chip in my wii is really old so this could make it obsolete.

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