March 1st, 2004 until November 27th, 2035
DCEmu UK Forum Rules - April 22nd 2018
DCEmu's Carus Sceptrum quod Ordinatio
Universal Rules for the Forums and Blogs:
1: No illegal/improper content such as warez, links to warez, FTP sites with illegal content, etc. This includes Utopia (boot disk) and illegal hacked browsers. No talking about the process of creating backups or getting backup/warez running on your console (i.e. NO posts about running PS4, Xbox One ISOs [backups] etc).
2: No Flaming for any reason.
3: No posting of anything considered spam (signing up just to promote asite, unless relevant to a specific topic). Also if you find a spam thread, please report it, do not post in it.
4: No posting links to pyramid schemes (i.e. free iphone, etc).
5: Any topics trying to sell anything will be deleted at our discretion (no ebay links to your own auctions).
6: Signature pics may not be bigger than 520 x 120 pixels, and 75kBs in size. This size limit applies to the entire sig, not to any individual image in it. A full sized sig (120 px) may not have more than 4 lines of text. For sigs without images, the text the sig contains should not be larger than the largest allowed sig with text. The staff reserves the right to take down any signature they deem unacceptable.

7: Generally staff are the law and as such have the power to hand out infractions, bans, locks or any other type of punishments at their own discretion. With that said the staff are also the subjects of the rules themselves.
8: Do not post anything insulting regarding site management.
If any of these rules are broken, the staff reserves the right to ban you without warning. Punishments may vary from case to case.
Universal Guidelines:
1: Normal users may not have alternate accounts unless they are given specific permission from the Senior Staff or Admin team. If another account is discovered the user's alternate account will be banned and an infraction will be placed on their original account. The size of said infraction will be determined by the staff member. This guideline mostly applies to abusers and will not be enforced to the extent that Rules are. What is considered 'abuse' is entirely up to the staffs discretion.
Specialized Rules/Guidelines:
Chankast rules (Chankast: A popular DC emulator for the PC)
- Do not ask where to get the bios.
- Do not ask where to get the get dreamcast ISO's.
- Do not request to get X game working.
- Do not show how to rip the bios.
- Do not help someone rip a game.
- Do not be a muppet.
- Do not post anything about hacked versions of the emulator.
- Do not post leaked beta's.
Staff abuse is extremely rare at DCEmu and we pride ourselves in have a very disciplined and knowledgeable staff. But if such an event has occurred we urge you to report it. Please contact someone in our administration team for such matters (preferably wraggster, Darksaviour69, Kaiser and/or BlueCrab). The matter will be promptly looked into and we guarantee you at the very least a response.
Administrators = Blue names
Senior Staff = Gold names
Forum Moderators = Green names
News Staff = Purple names
Users that contributed to the site via donation = Red names
Coders and/or other special users = Bolded names
Normal ranks:
DCEmu Newbie = 0
DCEmu Rookie = 100
DCEmu Regular= 250
DCEmu Pro = 500
DCEmu Old Pro = 1000
DCEmu Legend = 2000
DCEmu Zealot = 5000
DCEmu Hero = 10000
Join user groups (must be logged in)
Pick from:
Dreamcast User
DS User
3DS User
Gamecube User
Gizmondo User
GP2X User
GP32 User
Nintendo Wii User
PS2 User
PS3 User
PS4 User
PSP User
PS Vita User
Saturn User
Xbox 360 User
Xbox One
Xbox User
Current staff as of April 22nd, 2018:
Site Webmaster
Site Administration
Server Administration
DCEmu Reviews Webmaster
Senior Staff
Forum Moderators:
Note* - Some coders and respected individuals also hold mod powers over some forums despite not formally being on staff.