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  1. Treamcast SE Released
  2. Massive Auction of Consoles and Accessories
  3. Trigger Heart Exelica: Preorders
  4. Bootdreams 1.0.2
  5. OpenBoR v2.0051
  6. 2 New Dreamcast games in the Play-Asia top 10
  7. "Dreamcast Remains Ideal Indie Dev Proving Ground" @ Gamasutra.com
  8. Phantasy Star Online - Server Termination pending 3/31/2007
  9. free 3d gfx export plugin targeting SEGA Saturn
  10. BootDreams 1.0.2a
  11. MAME4ALL Alpha2 released !
  12. ZX4ALL alpha-2 released!
  13. Yabause 0.8.0 Released!
  14. Yabause 0.8.0 Released!
  15. www.gianas-return.de Blog back online!
  16. OpenBoR v2.0052
  17. www.gianas-return.de: Cave-World Boss
  18. LAST HOPE for Dreamcast coming January 2007
  19. The Sandman: Dreamcast Demo Disk Vol. 1
  20. QuakeDC - Manoel "Fragger" Kasimier Edition
  21. Feet of Fury for Christmas!
  22. Karous - New Official Dreamcast Game Announced
  23. Streets of Rage Remake (DIV/FENIX Engine)
  24. SSF Ver0.08 alpha R3
  25. DCEmulation.com seeing an update !
  26. Senile Team: Rush Rush Rally Racing coming for Dreamcast !
  27. Dreamcast Restocking at Play Asia
  28. Last Hope [Limited Edition]
  29. PCECast - WIP
  30. SSF Ver0.08 alpha R4
  31. Saturn USB datalink
  32. Last Hope [Limited Edition] SOLD OUT!
  33. Last hope to ship Wednesday 31 January, 2007?
  34. Sega Plans to Stop GD-ROM Production 02/2007 ?
  35. 1ST_READ.BIN Checker 2.0.2
  36. Obscure Sonic Saturn
  37. Makaron WIP
  38. GenesisPlusDC Download Updated
  39. New GenesisPlus: GPDCQ-01202007
  40. Project Firestorm: Feuer Frei to be released 15/03/07 - available for preorder now !
  41. Crystals of Xaz project page up
  42. More Info about Last hope from NG:DEV team
  43. Quake News: JoyMenu 2.2 Now Open Source !
  44. SegaGaga Translation News: Viva Gaga in 2007 !
  45. Giana's Return News !
  46. Last Hope Review
  47. Sega's iSmile animated flower grooves to the music
  48. Shenmue Save Converter (beta)
  49. DreamZZT 3.0.6
  50. Neo4all RC2
  51. Last Hope Shipping Now! (at last)
  52. DEMUL Pad plugin update
  53. SaturnTV WIP
  54. Impressive: the contest entries are out
  55. Biohazard2 DC
  56. videos of the C4 entries
  57. Magic Mario
  58. DreamShell NG v3.0.0.800
  59. Project: Encounter Zone gameplay engine demo available
  60. SSF Ver0.08 alpha R5
  61. Sega Dreamcast Proto Dev Kit - NEC ARC1A PowerVR PCI + Demo Vids (Incl. Scud Race)
  62. Shipping today: Trigger Heart Exelica (Regular & Limited Edition)
  63. Trigger Heart Exelica: First Day Sales
  64. FreeDO, update
  65. Japanese Store: "Even Shoplifting Dreamcasts Is A Crime"
  66. Last Hope - Back In Stock at Play Asia
  67. PDROMs.de Coding Contest ends this sunday!
  68. News from Giana's Return
  69. New Screenshots of Senile Team's Rush Rush Rally Racing !
  70. SSF v0.08 Alpha R6
  71. Karous Released - New Commercial Dreamcast Game
  72. First Screenshots of Fightoon for Dreamcast !
  73. Akihabara, Japan - Sega Dreamcast Sell Out
  74. SSF 0.08 Alpha R7
  75. DCaSTaway rc5 released !
  76. Dreamcast Classics at Play Asia
  77. Update on Chui projects
  78. Makaron WIP - Dreamcast Emulator
  79. NetBSD/dreamcast updated
  80. Makaron WIP - Dreamcast Emulator for Windows
  81. nullDC teaser videos - Dreamcast emulator for PC
  82. Sega Tec Toy update
  83. NOIZ2SA released.
  84. Yabause Nightly builds cvs 20070319
  85. Cool Herders makes way to the DS
  86. This Day in Gaming, March 24th
  87. SSF 0.08 Alpha R8
  88. NOIZ2SA - SBI Release (for use with SBInducer v4)
  89. Yuji Naka -- life after SEGA and Sonic
  90. Sega no longer repairing Dreamcast units
  91. nullDC v1.0.0.0 public beta 1 released!
  92. PSO Server Closure Update!
  93. Sega Nail the Dreamcast Door Shut - Sad Day for Our Dreamcast Community
  94. NEO4ALL & AES4ALL released !
  95. IP.BIN Writer 0.1.3
  96. Requesting Donations to buy a BBA for OpenBoR coder SamuraiX
  97. PSO campaign - Help get it back online! (Deadline 09/04/07)
  98. DCider Bin 07 + Source Code for Dreamcast
  99. DragonDC bin a11 + Source Code for Dreamcast
  100. AES4All BugFix Release! (NeoGeo Emu)
  101. New Commercial Dreamcast Project by Cryptic Allusion In Full Swing!
  102. CDI4DC v0.3b released
  103. GPF Site Relaunched
  104. Mac Dream Tool v3.0.57 Out Now !
  105. Last Hope [Limited Edition]
  106. IP.BIN Writer 0.1.4
  107. Dreamcast Beats PlayStation 2 In Review Ratings
  108. Sega Saturn Title Moves to Gametap
  109. Return Fire Saturn version released
  110. New Screenshots of Rush Rush Rally Racing !
  111. SSF v0.08 Alpha R9
  112. Mod Your Dreamcast At Home
  113. Encounter Zone news
  114. DCEvolution Forums are back !
  115. RetroCore - Dreamcast Shooting Special Vol.2
  116. Dreamcast vs Wii
  117. BootDreams 1.0.3
  118. Save PSO campaign - Official reply received
  119. BootDreams 1.0.3a
  120. SSF 0.08 Alpha R10 released
  121. Unreleased Sega Saturn Game: Fake Down
  122. Dreamcast Classics at Play Asia
  123. Sega Saturn Classics at Play Asia
  124. HKT-0200 - Sega Katana Controller Box
  125. Dreamcast Planetweb will be back
  126. Cryptic Allusion Interview @ SegaNerds.com
  127. Wii Sports Tennis on Dreamcast ?
  128. Brandnew Dreamcast port of Wolfenstein3D released by OneThirty8
  129. Rise Of the Triad
  130. Fightoon cancelled - Homebrew commercial game
  131. Unreleased Game: Sonic X-treme (NiGHTS Version) Video
  132. BootDreams 1.0.3b
  133. VC/DC 0.1a released
  134. Region Changer v0.3 Released
  135. MDS4DC v0.1b released.
  136. Makaron WIP 9 new videos - Dreamcast emulator for Windows
  137. nullDC Netplay Beta 1 Release
  138. Dreamcast PlanetWeb is back
  139. BootDreams 1.0.4
  140. Official Poll for a Raiden IV release on Dreamcast
  141. SSF 0.08 alpha R11 released
  142. ScummVM Vol.1: LucasArts Collection
  143. Nintendo 7 years too late...Dreamcast first!
  144. Yabause Nightly builds 0.8.0 20070608
  145. BootDreams 1.0.5
  146. DCStella ROMs list maker 0.1
  147. Game Basic Database
  148. ScummVM 0.X.0: "Tic-tac-toe edition" out now!!
  149. Dreamcast Classics at Play Asia
  150. DreamZZT v3.0.8 Released!
  151. DreamChess Status Update
  152. New Screenshots of Giana's Return !
  153. Segagaga Translation: Demo Patch Coming Soon!
  154. Arcade Stick Modding Service
  155. Yabause 0.8.5 Released!
  156. Beneath a Steel Sky update
  157. BootDreams 1.0.5a
  158. RAIDEN IV on Dreamcast !?
  159. Neverball first alpha version released.
  160. Kill Brick DC - LBreakout Port by Ron Released!
  161. Fenix Engine v0.93 for DC
  162. VMU Wonders
  163. Donk Screenshots !
  164. The Simpsons Game - Coming to Every Platform Ever Made
  165. Dreamcast Guitar
  166. VMI Writer 1.0.2a
  167. 1ST_READ.BIN Checker 2.0.3
  168. dc-swat.net.ru is back !
  169. Dreamcast Download section back up.
  170. Cutre Bubble WIP - A Puzzle Bobble clone
  171. IP.BIN Writer 0.1.5
  172. nullDC WIP - Features Galore - Dreamcast Emulator for Windows
  173. dc-tool GUI 2.0.0b released
  174. 1ST_READ.BIN Checker 2.0.3a
  175. Name the Best of the Homebrew Releases
  176. Yabause 0.8.6 Released
  177. Yabause 0.8.6 Released
  178. New Dreamcast Releases to come (Commercial Homebrew)
  179. Makaron WIP - Dreamcast Emulator For Windows
  180. Donk release date pushed back
  181. Maximum Pool officially offline, however released server preserves game's future
  182. Cryptic Allusion launches "CryptoCast"
  183. Dreamcast Collectables at Play Asia
  184. Happy birthday american Sega Dreamcast!
  185. Code::Blocks - DC Dev R1
  186. Official OnlineConsoles.com Maximum Pool server is now online!
  187. Makaron WIP - Dreamcast Emulator For Windows
  188. Prototype Sega Dreamcast Zip Drive on eBay
  189. SSF V0.9 Prototype released
  190. Dreamcast Zip Drive price reduced!
  191. Makaron Test 8 WIP - Dreamcast Emulator for Windows
  192. Makaron Test 8#3 - Dreamcast emulator for Windows
  193. SSF 0.09 prototype R1 released
  194. Makaron WIP - Dreamcast Emulator For Windows
  195. Yabause 0.9.0 Released
  196. Yabause 0.9.0 Released
  197. Cryptic Allusion's CryptoCast to record live!
  198. SSF 0.09 prototype R2 released
  199. new SEGA Saturn Coding Contest starts now
  200. Donk: Samurai Duck - First Video online !
  201. Dynamite Dreams Trailer
  202. Segagaga Translation: Status Update
  203. Dreamcast themed PSU podcast
  204. nullDC: Preview on things to come - Dreamcast Emulator for Windows
  205. Camelot Warriors remake for Dreamcast console.
  206. Hi-resolution Donk Movie Released
  207. Happy Halloween from DC Evolution
  208. Any Coder in need of a BBA for Dreamcast dev ?
  209. Giana's Return - New Internal Beta (19-10-2007)
  210. Emuhaste Ver1.17
  211. Giana's Return - The Big Update (24-10-07)
  212. News from storm-studios.net
  213. CryptoCast #005 Posted to iTunes and CAGames.com
  214. Dynamite Dreams featured in G4's Attack of the Show
  215. Makaron WIP
  216. lxdream 0.8 released
  217. lxdream WIP news - Dreamcast emulator for Linux
  218. nullDC BETA 1.5 Codename "Get The F**k Out" Released - Dreamcast Emulator for Windows
  219. VMI Writer 1.0.3
  220. Yabause 0.9.1 released
  221. nullDC 1.0.0 beta 1.6
  222. lxdream 0.8.1 released
  223. MR Writer 0.1
  224. Yabause for PSP Released - Sega Saturn Emulator for PSP
  225. Treamcast Special Edition @ GP2X Store
  226. Makaron WIP - Dreamcast Emulator for Windows
  227. Makaron WIP - Dreamcast Emulator for Windows
  228. New SMS Plus Beta
  229. Chuis Site is Back
  230. Dreamcast File Archive Back Online
  231. lxdream "big update" - Dreamcast emulator
  232. Happy 9th birthday, Sega Dreamcast!
  233. Dreamcast Scene sweepstake
  234. Giana's Return - Level 1 Trailer !
  235. LUA on Dreamcast Tutorial
  236. Chui's future Dreamcast projects
  237. CryptoCast #006 - Konnichiwa, bitches!
  238. SSF v0.09 Alpha
  239. Giana's Return - World 2 Teaser Video
  240. ScummVM News - More Games Added
  241. MR Writer 0.3 Released
  242. Czech Children Learn About Dreamcast Console
  243. Treamcast Special Edition (back in stock at gp2x store)
  244. Dreamcast 2 in the works?
  245. SEGA denies Dreamcast 2 rumour
  246. Big Testing SeasonTM for ScummVM 0.11.0
  247. SSF 0.09 alpha R1 released
  248. Sega Confirms Trademark for 'Potential Future Use' of Dreamcast
  249. Yabause 0.9.2 - Sega Saturn Emulator for Windows and Dreamcast
  250. Yabause 0.9.2 - Sega Saturn Emulator for Windows and Dreamcast