View Full Version : Chuis's Dev & Discussion Forum

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  1. ZX4all
  2. Uae4all Help
  3. Neo4all cd, VMU saves?
  4. Noiz2sa music
  5. Trouble with Fenix saving
  6. Problems with AES4ALL
  7. Confused about burning a bootable neo4allrc2 disc
  8. Help! Can't get Pulstar music to play using Neo4allrc2
  9. Tutorial for preparing Neo4allrc1 to play NeoGeo CD games on Dreamcast
  10. converting old AES files to new beta 2?
  11. Selfboot with audio tracks
  12. AES4ALL general questions.
  13. SVC Chaos
  14. noiz2sa dc cdda burning guide
  15. DCaSTaway suggestions
  16. Neverball/Neverputt bugs.
  17. psx4all & snes4all
  18. UAE4All requests for Chui!
  19. Problems converting to AES
  20. Compiling Mame4All
  21. Selfbooting Neo4All CD game from Inducer
  22. Fatal Fury 3 Cd
  23. How do ya burn Mame4all with Bootdreams?
  24. saving/loading uae4all
  25. NEO4ALL RC-4 My wish.
  26. SDL and Fenix downloads
  27. About AES4ALL & MAME4ALL romsets...
  28. OpenGL texture question
  29. mame4all beta 1
  30. Aes4all Pal ????
  31. I need help with ConverterNeo
  32. Nightmare in the Dark ?
  33. return to castle wolfenstein possible?
  34. help with Neo4all and metal slug's CDDA
  35. DC control mappings in fenix 0.84b?
  36. Mame 4 all settings? Is new versions still coming?
  37. OpenGL Depth Testing
  38. Allegro Release?
  39. Chui, Mame4all Beta 1 is Incredible!
  40. Kalleira
  41. To Chui: SNES4all save?
  42. psx4all release date ?
  43. Questions about UAE4all
  44. PAL neo4all
  45. SDL-Based FFmpeg Port?
  46. DCASTAWAY - Win 32
  47. UEA4all display issue
  48. Garbled startup screen in aes4all
  49. UAE4Wii port of UAE4ALL violates GPL
  50. FAME/C generator source available?
  51. SGX4ALL - DC SUPER GRAFX Emulator
  52. Fenix 2008 CVS version- fsl.bin?
  53. Source code of Neveball ?
  54. Compiling MAME4all in an ARM-based laptop running Linux
  55. UAE4ALL on RPi does not detect Joystick Fire
  56. I'm trying to program an "Asteroids" type game for the Dreamcast.