View Full Version : About dcemulation.com

March 25th, 2008, 23:31
To all the members here at dcemu.co.uk, if you were ever a member at dcemulation.com, this applies to you.

Recently, dcemulation.com was moved to dcemulation.org, as reported here the other day. Well, recently dcemulation.com had a new forum spring up on it. This forum is a fraudulent copy of that on dcemulation.org. Somehow the owner of dcemulation.com managed to get a copy of the database from dcemulation.org. Anyway, if you have any private messages at the old dcemulation.com, I would encourage you to delete them ASAP. Also, to all developers here, if you have ever posted about releases at dcemulation.com, I would encourage you to go to your release posts there and delete them (possibly changing them to a post asking the users to go to dcemulation .org for the news (you must put a space in there, there is a wordfilter against dcemulation.org)).

The new staff at dcemulation.com has already decided to permanently ban me from their site. I suspect that other unfair permanent bans will follow, but the Dreamcast community must stick together through this.

Remember, if you are looking for the old DCEmulation website, it can now be found in its entirety at dcemulation.org.

March 25th, 2008, 23:37
Is .com working actually? because it sends me to his blog.

March 25th, 2008, 23:46
The .org is listing the root directory for me...

March 25th, 2008, 23:54
If you can't access the .com, you have to reset your cache, and hope your ISP's DNS has updated. I used a proxy to access the site, since my ISP hadn't done so.

@BelmotSlayer: Temporary issue, been fixed now.

March 25th, 2008, 23:55
.com still goes to the blog, and .org is working okay as usual.

Has it become a game of Tug Of War now?

March 25th, 2008, 23:56
Pretty much everyone who matters majorly (coders, staff, etc) has moved to dcemulation.org.

March 26th, 2008, 00:42
pretty sad that people have to resort to stealing databases and code to build their community,

mommy and daddy must have no gave them enough attention when they were little

March 26th, 2008, 00:44

March 26th, 2008, 01:42
wow... thats all i can say...

March 26th, 2008, 02:04
Holy crud, this is getting interesting...

Thanks for warning everyone, Bluecrab.

March 26th, 2008, 02:17
first off dreamcast news and esp news concerning another site doesnt bellong in our network or announcment forums or psp/ds/wii users will wonder what the hell is going off

secondly dcemu uk isnt the place for a battle between dcemulation, but it needs sorting asap

also i just had a fab read of the admin/staff forums, nice to know what certain people really think about moi and dcemu uk

finally anyone posting here that was banned wil be ipbanned permanently

March 26th, 2008, 11:50
Stealing a blog is one thing, but stealing a whole forum is just dumb. There's nothing worse than killing an entire community, whether you hack it, crack it, or pay for it then completely bugger it over and ultimately close it down for no reason whatsoever...

"Say no to Forum F'ers!"

March 26th, 2008, 14:06
so I will still receive the same wii news when I go to that page I used to though right??? this has been my main website for the past year and to be honest, everyone else sucks, I live in canada and I go to a UK gaming website. "wraggster" your not going to leave us are you?

March 26th, 2008, 14:30
so I will still receive the same wii news when I go to that page I used to though right??? this has been my main website for the past year and to be honest, everyone else sucks, I live in canada and I go to a UK gaming website. "wraggster" your not going to leave us are you?

This news concerns http://dcemulation.com (http://dcemulation.com) & http://dcemulation.org (http://dcemulation.org).

This site, http://dcemu.co.uk, has no involvement.

March 26th, 2008, 15:14
Me leave, never :)

March 26th, 2008, 15:33
please do not move this back to network news, users from other scenes wont be interested in the dreamcast scene

March 26th, 2008, 19:16
I really can't understand why people aren't supporting the people who have actually been running and contributing to DcEmulation.com for the past several years.

I read the staff forum too and it seems like |darc|'s story holds up, all the original founder ever seemed to want was to capitalize on the site in some way despite not caring about it anymore. Additionally, has anyone searched through 007Cheater's posts? He'd been posting maybe three times a year about non-sense. He's clearly not the one who's been in charge.

What got to me was when Blue Crab got ip banned. The guy's been of tremendous help to me whenever I've had questions and he got banned for trying to get that Seanbajuice bullshit off the front page, which was the right idea.

What gives me the worst taste in my mouth is how people are trying to promote themselves in the wake of this by setting themselves up as Admins or whatever in the parallel universe forum on the .Com website. It's intellectually bankrupt.

The people who ran the site for years finally decided they couldn't stand the owner, just as their predecessors had done in the past (as a long time visitor, I actually remember reading something about that at the time - though I had very little interest in the politics of it, as I guess some people have little interest in the current drama now). Does this next wave of would-be DcEmu admins really think that this isn't just repeating the same stupid cycle?

I guess some people think its a great idea to put a ton of energy and work into something they, nor the "community" it serves, will ever actually own. I mean its as good of an idea as agreeing with someone who offers to let you do construction on their house and even live there for a time as long as you forever acknowledge that its their property and at any time they can kick you out and use all the cool stuff you added to it to promote their strip club. Just why, man? Why put your own time and effort into making a site that will, in the end, be owned by someone who not only isn't helping but doesn't even care about what you're working on?

I'll enjoy reading DcEmu.co.uk four years from now and discovering that DcEmulation.com's current Admins have had enough and tried to revolt, got ip banned just like the people they betrayed, and that Cheatah has started to use the domain for something else since by then the DC scene will be dead anyway.

By the way Wraggster, I'd like to say that you do the entire scene a tremendous service with this place and I read it almost every day. I really wonder if the DC scene would even be alive anymore if it wasn't for this place.

This site is a great source for news on the Dreamcast and other things (its where I learned about the Open Pandora console) BUT I agreed with some of the comments in the staff forum about it having too wide a focus. And you know what? I don't think that makes me a bastard or someone who dislikes you personally or even isn't a fan of the site. It just means it would be neat to additionally be able to visit a site with a more singular focus on the Dreamcast. I honestly have gotten confused / overwhelmed whenever I browse the forums here (although it looks like I'm going to have to get used to it if this schism keeps up).

The staff forum reminded me of what advice I once heard a teacher give about eating lunch at the teacher's lounge - don't do it. He said all they ever do is bitch about the students.

That the staff forum became visible did put a bit of an odor on the rebels cause though, and since it seemed to become visible at some point after the .com re-appeared I'd find it difficult to believe that it wasn't intentional.

Hopefully whomever slighted you will apologize or something since it would suck if you sided against them.

March 27th, 2008, 16:06
You 2 boys need to behave... Don't make me come over there :D

Oh, and Wraggster... Don't take any notice of what people say about this site... I stopped going to DCemulation on a regular basis a LONG time ago... All because of this site... And I think the broad range that this place covers is fantastic... Especially the fact that we can split them into console specific areas :D

March 28th, 2008, 16:22
oh i dont care a flying fook what people say about dcemu UK :)

i know we arent the best and im not the most knowledgable but this site and every scene we support are updated as much as i can, infact you look at most other scene sites and they are no where near as updated and for the amount of scenes we cover thats damn impressive.

and to be honest if they dont like it here they an go back to their half dead sites and fester there :P

no site is perfect and we arent but we try and thats as much as anyone can do.