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View Full Version : epsxe is free?

September 1st, 2005, 07:54
Boys i was tinking, an emulator for dreamcast of EPSXE is possible?
In the home page i see a LINUX version, but i not see the open source, this emu is proibited make why the source not is free?
Thank you.
P.S. excuse me, for me questions, can be stupid, but if i don't speak here, where can answer at my questions. ^__^

Cap'n 1time
September 1st, 2005, 14:28
generally, if there is a linux build, it is opensource.

EPSXE is a great emulator, but its probably not the most portable. The only homegrown psx emulator for DC is built from PCSX.

September 1st, 2005, 17:02
I don't understand, explain me, from where understand wich an emu not is portable to the dreamcast?
What is necessary for a good porting? ._.

Cap'n 1time
September 1st, 2005, 21:13
some things are more portable than others. for instance. snes9x is more portable than ZSNES due to the way it was programmed..