View Full Version : psx4iphone 0.2.0 released

April 2nd, 2008, 17:43
New version of the PlayStation emulator (http://www.zodttd.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=751f06aa7d88f297a3c77bf9283334 20&action=blog;sa=view_post;id=1642;blog_name=the-zodblog) for iPhone and iPod Touch.


- Added support to firmwares such as 1.1.3 and 1.1.4.
- Compiled with saurik's new toolchain.
- Fixed the detection of whether frameskipping can be used during certain frames within a game.
- Improved the dynamic recompiler code.
- Moved the BIOS location to /var/(mobile or root depending on firmware)/Media/ROMs/PSX/

This release brings up to 50% more performance than previous releases. Though going from 25 FPS to 37 FPS isn't going to cut it, it's still an improvement. Most games are running at about 20-30 FPS it seems. I'm not quite sure why the iPhone is running psx4all slower than most handhelds of equal or lesser raw CPU power. It may be due to the way the iPhone/iPod Touch clears it's instruction cache via sys_invalidate_icache(...) or it could be due to the read speed of the ISO's. Maybe both. Either way more work has to be done to see whats bottlenecking the iPhone and this application.

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