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View Full Version : No UMD Echochrome for US

April 3rd, 2008, 16:46
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=186070)

Sony's innovative brain breaker, Echochrome, will only be available as a download on the PS Store via PSN.

Unlike in Japan, where players can purchase the game either through PSN or on a UMD for PSP, the US version of the game will not see a release on UMD.

"It'll be coming to North America via the PlayStation Network store only - i.e. not brick and mortar retail - with its own unique 56 levels," reports Newsweek.

The game looks brilliant, and if you've taken the time to make yourself a Japanese PSN account you can actually download an English-speaking demo from the Japanese PS Store via PS3.

April 3rd, 2008, 23:13
Meh, the import version has full English voiceacting and menus anyways...

April 3rd, 2008, 23:48
Why have sony done this ???

wouldnt they get less sales ?

ian h
April 4th, 2008, 00:39
yh got myself a japanese PSN account on mininova.org lol

an got the whole game!