View Full Version : GP2X-MSX: MSX Emulator for GP2X v1.0.6

April 4th, 2008, 18:45

Hi All,

fMSX is a famous emulator of the MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ 8bit home computers.
It runs MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ software on many different platforms including Windows and Unix.
See http://fms.komkon.org/fMSX/ for further informations.

It has been first written by Marat Fayzullin, and later Vincent van Dam ported it on SDL.

GP2X-MSX is a port on GP2X of the version of fMSX-SDL from Vincent van Dam
that i had previously ported to PSP.

What's new in this version ?

- Speed improvements in CPU and sound emulation
- Add missing keys such as HOME, GRAPH, STOP
- Add option to increase emulated sound volume
(different from gp2x volume)
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
(useful for games such as 1942)
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard
settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger
and RTrigger compose mapping.
- Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed
can now be directly modified inside the emulator
(no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state
(no need to enter in the main menu)
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu
(useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)

How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.

It's distributed under Marat Fayzullin's license for the original MSX part,
and under GNU license for all the GP2X part.

You may find binary and sources on my blog :

