View Full Version : Stealth Quake v1.2 Released

April 6th, 2008, 19:33
News/release from Tyne (http://www.dcemulation.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=96837)

Version 1.2 of Stealth Quake has been released, this is more than likely the final release and is a major upgrade from previous versions which are no longer available; the changelog is below.

If you currently have v1.0/v1.1 of Stealth Quake installed you can get the PATCH here -
1.6 Megabytes

455 Kilobytes

Otherwise simply grab the full download here which has been patched already:
32 Megabytes

5 Megabytes


- Image flashes no longer occur on non-lovecraftian creatures
- Updated findradius(); to searchradius(); in several instances
allowing the WinQuake and Darkplaces version to behave more alike
- Jump button no longer respawns player, only fire as told in death description
- Self-talk only occurs during idle time
- Proper death animation is now played when rock is selected
- Additional sound ques properly cleared on death
- More frags now indicate who died the most, or betrayed the team most (team kills)
- Sneaking speed is less framerate dependant
- Fixed restarting of a level even if a player is still alive
- Players entering a game with 0 lives left are now made observers instead of players
- Rare instance of player allowed to throw rocks / shoot the pistol while in camera mode fixed
- Camera is improved
- Players who are targetted by an enemy can no longer stealth kill that monster,
yet another player still can (thus allowing another player to save a friend)
this also mean you're not able to perform a running stealth kill (considered a
minor exploit)
- Stealth kill 'vision' widened, you must hit their back a bit more accurately now
- Brand new roaming AI, based on some of The Ascension of Vigil code as well as general AI improvements
- More sounds added to help the atmosphere
- Balance tweaks that help prevent speed running, as well as making more logical gameplay sense
- Fixed FOV not being reset when falling out of a Shamblers vision in certain circumstances
- The death music track now plays for observers
- Observers can now restart the round by pressing fire when everyone is dead and out of lives
- Wall tucking properly narrows a monsters vision cone making it even more effective than sneaking
- Fixed a bug where if a monster killed a player, they'd always move towards the player unless
- Kill command works, doesn't take away from the lives pool
- Crosshair turns off when walltucking and renables when not
- Upgraded models for the pistol and bullets
- If the player is killed by certain attacks they're now gibbed
- DP Only: Client side prediction is turned on when not sneaking, helps running away / lag

April 6th, 2008, 20:21
Can I play it on Dreamcast ?

April 6th, 2008, 20:33
Yes, of course. It's for Dreamcast.

April 7th, 2008, 18:34
So what files should I add to play it on DC ?

June 9th, 2009, 23:13
I have a couple of questions about making a Image for the DC of this mod! Do I need a 1st_read.bin and ip.bin? Do I use just any 1st_read.bin & ip.bin or do I have to make one specificaly for this mod? could I just use the 1st_read.bin & ip.bin from the QuakeDCEvolution disc? Any information on this proccess would be extremely helpfull.

I realy love the concept behind this mod and I am looking forward to testing it on my DC....that is if someone can clarify what 1st_read.bin & ip.bin would be the best to use.