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View Full Version : MS responds to '360 is dead at retail' report

April 7th, 2008, 16:45
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=186303)

Microsoft has rubbished an Australian retail chain survey that claims that the Xbox 360 is "dead" at retail Down Under.

The survey - conducted by Australian ChannelNews - of ten retail chains "who operate more than 2,000 stores" across the country, claims that retail support for the 360 is sliding as the PS3 and Wii sees growth in the country.

"The Xbox 360 is dead," a Melbourne-based retailer is reported as saying in the survey. "We are stocking it because of our relationship with Microsoft however all our energy and marketing is going into the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii unless Microsoft come up with something new or additional marketing dollars. Halo 3 was big on the Xbox but that was about it.

"They have tried discounting and value add offers and even that is not working. We are even thinking of dumping the console all together."

Harsh words, but expectedly Microsoft's Australian outfit has been swift in rubbishing the survey: "Our retailers are excited about our current and upcoming offers, and we're looking forward to another bumper year," said PR Manager Mariana Cidade, in a statement to ITWire.

"We are happy with where we are in the market right now. We're significantly ahead of where we planned to be this financial year, and selling well both on the software and hardware side.

"We have a great line-up of games coming up," the spokesperson added, addressing the survey's main concern, games.

"For core gamers we have titles like Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Too Human, Halo Wars etc, while casual or potential gamers will enjoy the likes of Banjo Kazooie, Guitar Hero 4, Rock Band and Dance Dance Revolution, as well as a number of other really exciting titles we haven't announced yet."

Surely they should wait for GTA IV to come out before condemning it to death?