View Full Version : OpenTTD 1.4.2-RC1

July 14th, 2014, 20:01
via http://www.aep-emu.de/

The finale version 1.4.1 of OpenTTD (http://www.openttd.org/en/) has been released. There seems to be no changes since the release candidate.

OpenTTD is an open source complete recreation of "Transport Tycoon Deluxe"by Scottish games designer and programmer Chris Sawyer (Microprose). It delivers many bug fixes and general enhancements to the game.

1.4.2-RC1 (2014-07-03)

Fix: CargoPacket::SourceStation() returns a StationID (r26660)
Fix: Days in dates are not represented by ordinal numbers in all languages [FS#6047] (r26657)
Fix: Production cheat cannot be allowed to be active in multiplayer for desync reasons, even when activated in singleplayer previously [FS#6044] (r26656)
Fix: Make sure an ´abs´ is used that supports int64 when using ´abs´ on those variables (r26651)
Fix: Support save/load chunk lengths of up to (1 << 32) - 1 [FS#6041] (r26650)
Fix: Incorrect usage of string commands in the base language [FS#6037] (r26642, r26640, r26639, r26632)
Fix: Segmentation fault when encountering a .obg/.obs/.obm with empty string/zero length MD5 checksums [FS#6038] (r26637)
Fix: The ´Load´ button was not properly enabled/disabled for old savegames without NewGRF information (r26634)
Fix: If the video driver fails to supply a list of resolutions, display an error message [FS#6012] (r26629)