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View Full Version : puNES v0.90

July 20th, 2014, 21:02
via http://www.emucr.com/

puNES v0.90 is released. puNES is a NES emulator. Currently the program supports mappers 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, and the sound is available. It uses the SDL libraries and it works on both Linux and Windows.

puNES v0.90 Changelog

- Fixed a lot of bugs in the mappers MMC1, FM7, 28, 176, 178, and FDS.
- Full support for the format NES 2.0.
- Implemented the filter xBRZ.
- Implemented the UNIF mappers FK23C, FK23CA, D1038, MARIO1-MALEE2.
Given the large amount of revised code, if someone were to find roms that worked properly with the 0.89 but not with this release, please contact me.
