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View Full Version : Samsung Galaxy S4 'catches fire' and burns hole through sleeping girl's pillow

July 29th, 2014, 23:25
A US teen claims that her Galaxy S4 smartphone caught fire overnight while she was sleeping and burnt a hole through her pillow.
Ariel Tolfree’s father told local Texas TV station KDFW (http://www.myfoxdfw.com/story/26109226/on-your-side-samsung-cell-phone-fire) that his daughter woke up to the smell of burning and discovered that the smartphone had cracked and melted.
It is suspected that the phone’s battery overheated and swelled up.
This isn’t the first claim that a Galaxy S4 has caught fire.
Last year a man from Hong Kong claimed his device exploded, and earlier this year a woman from the UK reported that her Galaxy S4 was sizzling after leaving it charging overnight.
This also isn’t the first model in the Galaxy line that has allegedly caught fire.
In 2013 a South Korean man claimed his Galaxy Note set alight whilst in his pocket. (http://www.pcr-online.biz/news/read/samsung-smartphone-catches-fire-whilst-in-user-s-pocket-again/030205)
