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September 7th, 2005, 12:02
Right Hi everyone first off :)

About the downgraders.......I've managed to get a few PSP owners to send e-mails to Sony about they're PSP's "locking up" after updating to version 2.00 and asking if they can get it back to version 1.00 somehow. This might be hopeless attempt but I thought it would be worth a try for an official downgrader. So if it sounds like a possibility to you please join in.

September 7th, 2005, 15:55
Plz go and DIE!!!
Now Sony will have a close look at downgrading stuff.
Thanks you REALY :mad: :mad:

September 7th, 2005, 16:20
Plz go and DIE!!!
Now Sony will have a close look at downgrading stuff.
Thanks you REALY :mad: :mad:

Do you really think they don't know for it?
The wab site is down (since 10 minutes) , hack? server problem or sony ?

September 7th, 2005, 18:38
Sony will always keep an eye on the homebrew and hacking scene, not because of stupid letters. I don't think Sony have shut down WAB's site. They haven't released anything illegal. Or have they?

September 7th, 2005, 23:01
well they could have reason to, if wab took the 1.5 firmware they released and started editing it a whole bunch and release it later...that might be a bit illegal, but im sure its just server issues

September 8th, 2005, 06:23
Sony does know about WAB, homebrew, downgrading and etc. indeed.
I believe what WAB does is illegal but Sony is not suing them because they find holes in the system. Even if they release downgrader (wich Sony knows about), the company can't do anything since the firmware has already been released. In next wone these holes will be fixed. If you stick with 1.50 - you are a Fonzie. And how is Fonzie like - he's cool.

I told you it's about choice, you can never have the full power of PSP because of Sony's policy.

September 8th, 2005, 07:03
Excuse me. What is illegal about downgrading a PSP? Sony never made me sign an end user agreement saying that I would not downgrae my unit or try to keep it in a primitive state. It's the users PSP and they are legally entitled to use any version they want. It only becomes illegal when they do this for piracy's sake (loading ISOs of the MS, etc). However for homebrew purposes, Sony can not prove that downgrading is unlawfull.
Not even ISO loaders themselfs are illegal, just the common usage of them. If you were cool, you would dump your own ISOs and play them off the memory stick, even after editing them first. (editing an ISO and playing it yourself is legal as well, you paid for it, you own the full version, and you are distributing nothing). Think usage.

September 8th, 2005, 14:35
I'm totally agree with you
I will see if some associations will relayed our cause

September 8th, 2005, 15:03
Well the site is up and running again so it was obviously just server problems.

September 8th, 2005, 16:30
There is nothing to stop a person downgrading if that is what they want to do!

People really should learn to chill a bit!!

September 8th, 2005, 16:30
I am all for open source, and I would love to see the scene flourish! But you have to understand that Sony as a Co should have the right to do the best they can to protect their investment.

I dont think they care at all if we are trying to play Chess on our PSP, or if we are trading pictures. What they DO care about is people downloading ROMs of the net and never buying games. That is why they are locking the system.

As far as them getting an E-mail from some guy about downgrader, trust me, they know 10 times more than we do already. I dont think they will go after any sites unless it becomes easy to DL mods and install them on a PSP. Once the average user knows about it, and uses the mods to get free games, then they will start shutting down sites. And I honestly cant blame them.

I know im going to get flamed, but its how I feel.

September 8th, 2005, 16:33
Omega - true!

The only thing Sony cares about is there (vast) investment in the PSP and they will go to any length to protect it.

There is no way on earth that they are going to want people to be able to run copied games on the machine - they would loose far too much money.

If someone wants a game they should buy it - you know what the prices are before you invest in a PSP!

September 8th, 2005, 16:42
Ugh I do, but it so pretty. heh, im going to buy one tonight. Think in going to get Wipeout pure with it. But yeah, i will most likely keep my firmware at 1.50 (I called ahead, he is holding it for me) until i am forced to upgrade. I saw that there are browsers for 1.50, so I don't see a reason to rush to an upgrade. But I will be paying for the games I like, so the game makers will keep making them. heh funny how that works :-P

~Edit: You think they will start putting oput games with upgrades in them that will auto update the firmware when we try and play them without telling us like XboX did? :confused:

September 8th, 2005, 23:20
If anyone ever thought that Sony protects the PSP with stronger homeware to prevent homebrew... well... I feel sorry for them. PIRACY ya fools.

And Omega: Yes I do.

September 9th, 2005, 03:38
You think they will start putting oput games with upgrades in them that will auto update the firmware when we try and play them without telling us like XboX did? :confused:
They probably won't. If they try and flash the new firmware without the AC cable in or without first warning the user there's a chance that it'll run out of power or be shut off halfway through, bricking the PSP.

Also, I thought I'd add to your previous post regarding Sony's money making policies. They don't even want us running homebrew at all. They don't make money off of PSPs, they make it off the games. Most consoles are sold for less than what they're worth, in hopes of cashing in on the cheaper to produce games. So if you buy a PSP and use it to play ONLY SNES games... Sony still loses out.
I understand why they'd crack down, but that still isn't going to stop me.

September 9th, 2005, 12:58
I was pissed, I asked the guy I bought it from if it was 1.5, he said yes. It was 1.51 Damn it! Oh well, guess im waiting on the downgrades like everyone else now.