View Full Version : Breath Of Fire 3 - The Worlds First PSP Translation -

September 8th, 2005, 06:53
This is quoted and copied from psp-hacks.com's forums.

" http://rapidshare.de/files/4848740/bof3tPsp.avi.html

Enjoy the video and look forward to the things where doing with the PSP.

Tools will be made avaliable for free after the translation is complete.
We have more progress than this done but didn't have time to insert it tonight.

We still need a music composser, web designer and, a person who can setup hootbook files to make testing easier. "

September 8th, 2005, 07:09
I might be able to do music, depending on the sort of .at3 it uses (there are multiple kinds of .at3 formats the psp uses). I don't have a copy of the game though. I can also make hookboot files, but you really only need one made; any further would be useless since the core data's in the ISO content anyway, not the pbp.

September 8th, 2005, 07:14
I dont know anything about the project really i'd post at psp-hacks if your interested.

September 8th, 2005, 10:54
If you want music i can do that i can remix the original soundtrack or create some original music, maybe even remix songs from the entire series.
I can have a couple of demos up and running within the next day or two which you can all check out.

September 8th, 2005, 11:26
Hey cool

I want breath of fire in english!!!!
How long does it take???

September 8th, 2005, 13:54
One of my favourite ps1 rpgs of all time :)