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View Full Version : New Site Disclaimer

September 9th, 2005, 19:13
This wont concern most people but it may do some people so here goes.

Obviously this site is nothing at all to do with Sony in any shape or form although we do love the little handheld and we also will never host anything containing illegal code.

Also we will not link to any sites who have warez on their site or Pyramid schemes like the dodgy FreePSP etc schemes, we will also not link to sites where they ask for money just to use all aspects of the forums.

I do aplogise if this infuriates some and if those sites in question dropped the items mentioned above then we would link as normal.

To all coders who release on the said site, we do respect your work but unless a different source can be found we wont link to the sites that go against our disclaimer.

This will not change and anyone trying to spam the links of the sites on the forums will be dealt with.

Thanks all now back to newsposting :)

Giga Phil
September 9th, 2005, 20:00
I'd say thats a bit extreme but its your site and your rules so i'll never mention PSPU again :rolleyes:

September 9th, 2005, 20:20
This wont concern most people but it may do some people so here goes.

Obviously this site is nothing at all to do with Sony in any shape or form although we do love the little handheld and we also will never host anything containing illegal code.

Also we will not link to any sites who have warez on their site or Pyramid schemes like the dodgy FreePSP etc schemes, we will also not link to sites where they ask for money just to use all aspects of the forums.

I do aplogise if this infuriates some and if those sites in question dropped the items mentioned above then we would link as normal.

To all coders who release on the said site, we do respect your work but unless a different source can be found we wont link to the sites that go against our disclaimer.

This will not change and anyone trying to spam the links of the sites on the forums will be dealt with.

Thanks all now back to newsposting :)

You know, I've been following this site for awhile, and I enjoy the no ads (even though news may be posted later than others.) But honestly to follow a site who won't give the proper credit to an author's release seems as you say 'dodgy' to me. Who really cares? You post the news and have your following like me. Give credit where it is due. If you're so about caring for the scene and people then source where the author site is. As far as piracy and illegal files I agree they are detrimental for homebrew and that Sony will crack down, but to not source someone because of personal differences seems petty and childlike. I enjoy having my list of authors sites and or release threads to visit to see whats going on, even small updates, but to neglect even where that may be would be disrespectful to them.. These are words on how I feel (one of your lurkers). I know you may not take them to heart but it's something to chew on.



September 9th, 2005, 20:30
Well im doing this for everyone, like i said above if the scam and the premium stuff go on that site then ill gladly link as normal.

Lets remember that PSPU never links properly anyway unless told to do so by pissed off people.

September 10th, 2005, 01:36
I asked wragg to reopen this thread because I feel there is a lot of logic behind this and it should be cleared up before "childish" claims begin.

I am not supporting wraggster based on the "his site, his rules" policy. I support it based on the users of this site and wraggster's unfortunate need to protect them.

Just like many sites will not post links to "offensive" content (pornography, etc.), or several corporate sites have "off-site disclaimers", there is a need to -- in a sense -- protect the average viewer.

Since day 1 of PSP Homebrew I have been an avid (fanatical?) supporter of proper sourcing, crediting, etc. From the earliest days of having every translation I did ripped off, readme files edited, and programs uncredited I have wished for nothing more than to see people not treat the wonderful work being done by homebrew developers as a "business", but as a "community". I had people raiding the Japanese forums slandering me at every release I uploaded (even posing as Japanese people sometimes, as if real Japanese people couldn't see right through that), and was (and am) IP banned from our #1 source of instigation.

However, there is a moral stance that must be taken in regards to "proper sourcing" when a source is from a questionable host. Pyramid schemes are called so because -- at their core -- they are schemes.
A link to a site hosting them can be construed (yes, it can) as endorsing that site's policies. Ergo, it could be seen as DCEmu supporting Pyramid Schemes.

It's a fine line one should not have to cross in a homebrew-based community/network. However, because several newcomers have decided to plague upon the ignorant and "sign up for the ride" the second they saw $$$ potential, it has become a needed act on wraggster's part.

When working for IGN, we would receive many "news" tips from questionable sites. We did not have a black list; but there were many sites that "required further investigation" before reporting.

When a site's goal is the educate the masses with news and information concerning a product, the site must take measures to make sure its viewers are receiving the most reliable, unbiased, accurate information possible.

In order to do this, general "boycotts" (if you will) of off-site links to questionable sites must be initiated.

It is not wraggster being "childish" or him "going against the will of the scene". It is for the betterment of the scene and community that measures like this are beginning to be implemented around the PSP community.

If the site in question showed an actual caring for the community and the users it is making money off of, instead of viewing them as "hits" which can be used for the next $$$ making idea, then perhaps this policy would change. However, when a site's forum moderators take more care of the people visiting it than the ones making the $$$,, you cannot justify supporting it.

The front page of the site is nothing but stolen news from IGN, Gamespot, etc., not even done properly (which is to summarize the news and offer an off-site link for the full article). When I was doing my years of gaming journalism, we simply called this practice "site raping". The front page is also littered with comments that are racist, derogatory, and generally negative towards other users, programmers, etc.
And they are hardly moderated (unlike the forum), because the site admins simply do not, have not, and will not ever care about the users.

I am not saying wraggster has the "green light" to edit files and change readmes and do every practice I am against to the hilt. I am simply saying that not linking off-site to that que$tionable location is justified and for the betterment of everyone out there who understands this community.

I do hope the authors who are releasing programs on the forums over there (which, again, are a separate entity) understand this is not a strike against them. However, ps2dev.org has encouraged program releases there since day one, and this site has also added in generous options for developers who wish to release things.

Or better yet, make a page for your releases and guarantee (spelled correctly) 100% proper, accurate sourcing with credit given 100% to whom it is due: you.

I apologize for the length of this article, but this has actually been a topic in the chat channel amongst several site-ops long before wraggster made the statement public. There are several authors' and site-ops' opinions stated in my writing; this is not just "that hater Smiths"

Trust me, the "hater Smiths" uses a lot more swear words this early in the morning.