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View Full Version : JoyDS (Version: 0.1b)

April 12th, 2008, 20:38
News/release from luccax (http://luccax.sg-php.com/?page_id=11)

With JoyDS you can use your DS as a wireless Joypad for PC. It’s a Client-Server App, where DS is the Client and PC is the Server. The Client gets input from the DS and sends to server in UDP packets. The server receives the input and uses PPJoy to emulate the Joystick. JoyDS emulates a real Joystick, no keyboard or mouse. You don’t have to configure nothing inside PPJoy, the Server does all the hard work for you. It also has some cool features like Button Sequences and Multiple Consoles. You need .NET Framework 2.0 to run the Server.

Works On/Funciona Em:

Windows XP (32bit) (SP1/SP2/SP3)
Let me know another platform/Me diga se houver outra plataforma

Download Above and Give Feedback Via Comments

April 13th, 2008, 09:37
Won't work for me... Not on PC, and not on M3 Real.
M3 Real shows a black screen.
Anyone has a solution for this?:

Here is a screenshot of the error:

And this is what it says (a lot is in dutch, but I think you can understand the english parts)

Zie het einde van dit bericht voor meer informatie over het aanroepen
van JIT-foutopsporing (Just In Time) in plaats van dit dialoogvenster.

************** Tekst van uitzondering **************
System.NullReferenceException: De objectverwijzing is niet op een exemplaar van een object ingesteld.
bij PPJoy.DeviceManager.DeleteDevice(Device device, Boolean removeDirectInput, Boolean removeDriver)
bij PPJoy.DeviceManager.SetDeviceMappings(Int32 lptNum, JoystickTypes joystickType, Int32 unitNum, JoystickMapScope scope, MappingCollection newMappings)
bij JoyDS_Server.fChoose.Btn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
bij System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
bij System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventAr gs mevent)
bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
bij System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
bij System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.O nMessage(Message& m)
bij System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.W ndProc(Message& m)
bij System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Geladen assembly’s **************
Win32-versie: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
CodeBase: file:///c:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
JoyDS Server
CodeBase: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Michiel/Bureaublad/JoyDS/JoyDS%20Server.exe
Win32-versie: 8.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/
Win32-versie: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Win32-versie: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Win32-versie: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Win32-versie: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/
CodeBase: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Michiel/Bureaublad/JoyDS/PPJoyWrapper.DLL
Win32-versie: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
CodeBase: file:///c:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Win32-versie: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/

************** JIT-foutopsporing **************
Als u JIT-foutopsporing wilt inschakelen, moet in het configuratiebestand voor deze
toepassing of computer (machine.config) de waarde
jitDebugging in het gedeelte system.windows.forms zijn ingesteld.
De toepassing moet ook zijn gecompileerd terwijl foutopsporing
was ingeschakeld.


Wanneer JIT-foutopsporing is ingeschakeld, worden onverwerkte uitzonderingen
naar het JIT-foutopsporingsprogramma gestuurd dat op de computer is geregistreerd
en worden niet door dit dialoogvenster verwerkt.

April 13th, 2008, 15:06
All i can add to this is that im getting the same error but in english and my 2 screens are also black after a short " connect " sign .

I am using an R4 with windows vista ultimate (32 bit)


April 14th, 2008, 00:07
I got the same error, but the my DS still connected. It wouldn't work, probably because of the error. My router picked up each of my button presses, though.

April 14th, 2008, 01:25
Hello guys ^^

wabsta got this error because he had PPJoy before (usually not a problem), he solved it by making a new fresh install.

The freezing while trying to connect happens when the DS could not connect to the AP. It uses the same configuration as Wifi games, so to set an AP, you have to set it inside a wifi game. Oh, and sometimes this happens even if it's everything correct (a little bug that I'll fix in the next version), just try again.

paul3100, if you got JoyDS working under windows vista, please let me know. I think that it can work if you have PPjoy installed correctly and .NET Framework 2.0 (or 3.5 if it doesn't work).

Some people are having problem running JoyDS with M3, if someone got it working, please contact me :)

If you got more errors please post them here (http://luccax.sg-php.com/?p=10), it's easy for me to manage the problems. ^^

April 14th, 2008, 04:17
looks intresting

April 14th, 2008, 17:15
Very nice app :) :thumbup:

Didn't work for me at my first attempt, but after very good help from the creator, I got it working.

People with the error I posted in the first post, just make sure that you got a clean install of PPjoy, and also delete the virtual joypads u used before.

And for the M3: Lucas gave me the tip to use DSorganize to run it, because the M3 Auto patcher screws the program. (Flashcast OS should work too, didn't test it).

So, now I'm going to play Zelda on my GBA emulator again with this app :P

April 14th, 2008, 17:20
Thanks for the feedback! ^^ I'm here to help in anyway I can, thanks for using my app ;D

April 15th, 2008, 00:56
Hey lucas, your app is great, just boot and use.
Or it should be, my PC IP is, so i have to set it manualy each time i boot JoyDS. Could you make it store IP:PORT in a INI file in card's root (or /data/JoyDS.ini)?

I managed to open it in a hex editor and change to *.*.1.100, but in DS it shows only *.*.1.10 and i still have to type the remaining 0.
It would be cool if you could get to implement this config file and turbo function for keys.

BTW, eu sou baiano :P

April 15th, 2008, 08:10
Haha, this looks like a really cool app!

Good Work luccax:)

However, I'm a real n00b when it comes to Wireless communications.

So how exactly do I get this working?
I have an wifi card installed in my laptop.
Can I connect my DS directly to my computer, using that wifi card? Or do I also need a wireless router of some kind?

Can I use a wireless adapter especially designed for the Nintendo DS like Datels Wifi Max?

I would really appreciate the kindness of a soul who wants to help me!!!:):)

April 15th, 2008, 18:41
BastarB, Datel Wi-Fi MAX is what i use :)

April 15th, 2008, 18:46
looks good thank you

April 16th, 2008, 21:34
To those with connection troubles on the DS end: Homebrew Wifi apps are pickier about your connection than official games are. The wiki for DSOrganize has a troubleshooting page (http://www.dragonminded.com/dsorganize/wiki/index.php?title=Troubleshooting#Non-Working_Wifi) on this. The same Wifi issues apply to JoyDS.

With regards to M3's auto-patcher, I'm not sure if that's the Real or the Perfect. Simply works fine, seeings how it's an R4 clone.

And, again, if you get an Unhandled Exception error with the Server, it is probably something mucked up in PPJoy. Reinstall PPJoy, and make absolutely certain you do not botch the setup of a virtual joystick, or you will continue to get that error even if setting up a different virtual joystick. You'll also get that error if you're attempting to use a port that's already in use by another app on your computer (in which case, either shut the other app down or direct one of them to a different port).

September 12th, 2008, 15:46
Hello,my name is Daniel.We are open a new proyect to relive dspad program.
We intention is add it extra functionalities as motion cards,paddle …
and make it compatible with all servers posible.Also with the glovepie program.
I would like asking you colaboration ,or maybe only some sources
see the link.