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View Full Version : The DCEmu Interview - Question 16 - What Would Make the Perfect Homebrew Console ?

April 14th, 2008, 00:58

A feature i did a few years ago and one im going to repeat now is the DCEmu Interview, a unique idea in which questions are asked by me to the Whole DCEmu Community its a way to learn more about each others and find out what our interests are and much more

Todays Question is What Would Make the Perfect Homebrew Console? you can answer with designs/specs too, handheld and normal consoles too.

Give your Answer via Comments.

Remember to check out our DCEmu Interview Site (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/) to catch up on previous DCEmu Interview Questions

The DCEmu Interview - Question 1 - What Consoles Do You Own ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-1-what-consoles-do-you-own--82867.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 2 - Whats Your Favourite Console Of All Time (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-2-whats-your-favourite-console-of-all-time-83029.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 3 - Whats Your New Years Resolution ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-3-whats-your-new-years-resolution--83130.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 4 - What Got you Interested in Homebrew/Emulation ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-4-what-got-you-interested-in-homebrew-emulation--83212.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 5 - Whats the greatest Game Ever ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-5-whats-the-greatest-game-ever--83477.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 6 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Console? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-6-whats-the-greatest-homebrew-console--83559.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 7 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Handheld? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-7-whats-the-greatest-homebrew-handheld--83580.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 8 - Whos the Greatest Homebrew Hacker/Coder and Why ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-8-whos-the-greatest-homebrew-hacker-coder-and-why--85365.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 9 - Whats the Greatest Emulator Released? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-9-whats-the-greatest-emulator-released--87819.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 10 - What Game(S) Would you like to see Remade ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-10-what-game-s-would-you-like-to-see-remade--89091.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 11 - Whats the Greatest Platform Game Released ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-11-whats-the-greatest-platform-game-released--90432.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 12 - Whats the Greatest FPS Game Released ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-11-whats-the-greatest-fps-game-released--93257.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 13 - Whats the Greatest Sports Game Released ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-13-whats-the-greatest-sports-game-released--96300.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 14 - How Excited Are You In Todays Homebrew Scene ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-14-how-excited-are-you-in-todays-homebrew-scene--97810.html)
The DCEmu Interview - Question 15 - Whats the Greatest RTS Game Released ? (http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/the-dcemu-interview-question-15-whats-the-greatest-rts-game-released--102933.html)

April 14th, 2008, 01:13
Perfect homebrew console for me:
480x272 screen
4 face buttons with shapes on them
2 shoulder buttons
1 analog nub
MemoryStick Pro Duo slot
333MHz Processor
64MB of RAM

Boy, wonder if they'll ever make a console like that...

April 14th, 2008, 01:45
Something with decent specs and creative controls; like the Wii. It has the potential for some great emulators and applications.

April 14th, 2008, 01:49
Up to 8 players
easy to code

April 14th, 2008, 02:01
Don't know about the rest of you all, but I feel one of the most important things about a homebrew console is the ability to put it in your pants (pocket).

April 14th, 2008, 02:25
The ability to emulate something as powerful as xbox 360 at full speed.

April 14th, 2008, 02:50
A website thats likes open suggestions on games to support there console that way everyone gets what they want hint hint.

April 14th, 2008, 03:10
Auto ejaculator. haha,

A console that is fast, bug free ware, and top noch specs. oh and pocket size

E.g Pocket Ps3 :D

April 14th, 2008, 04:26
I would love a console that had massive internal storage with easy to use SDK to program emulators

-Emulate and play every type of ISO (PSX, Dreamcast, PS2, Sega Saturn, ect)

-play every ROM (GBA, SNES, NES, ect)

-web browser

-easy to customize menu



April 14th, 2008, 05:10
Perfect homebrew console for me:
480x272 screen
4 face buttons with shapes on them
2 shoulder buttons
1 analog nub
MemoryStick Pro Duo slot
333MHz Processor
64MB of RAM

Boy, wonder if they'll ever make a console like that...

LOL, if it could only emulate Zelda OOT it would be absolutely perfect, of course besides what it can do now

April 14th, 2008, 11:59
A perfect Homebrew console would be Pandora. More of a handheld, but for what I want it would be the perfect homebrew device. It's going to have all the emulators I need, plus a group of dedicated devs that have already contributed some fine software for the gp2x.

April 14th, 2008, 12:19
agreed I am really looking forward to that i just hope it will have an "open with" feature so you can just select a rom and it will open

April 14th, 2008, 12:42
Looks: like the NDS in the way it looks, but with bigger screens.

Power: The power to emulate a psp on the top screen and an original xbox on the bottom at the same time. at least a gig of ram.


April 14th, 2008, 15:25
a PS3 that worked as a over sized, overpowerd PSP...
who wouldn't like a PS3 with all the homebrew ability of a PSP...

April 14th, 2008, 15:53
The ability to emulate something as powerful as xbox 360 at full speed.

hehe, that's a good one;)
i'm sure that if it would be portable too, then..
damn it would be expensive, but then we would be able to emulate all the consoles that exist ATM, except PS3, but who would want to emulate that crap..(don't flame me;))

April 14th, 2008, 18:14
I like the idea of HB Wii, let the hackers and homebrew devs have their fun with the wiimote functionality, etc..!!

April 14th, 2008, 22:07
It would have to be a handheld, it would be similar to psp with able to emulate all the old consoles etc, although, I would prefer it if the company actually prefers to welcome homebrew and entrain their customers instead of trying to block it and just see the customers as moneybags... :\

The console would have to be easy to code with downloadable game engines. The game engines would be flexible so anyone could create a decent game.

Meh, I'll edit it when I have more time, I could go on and on about this topic. :P

April 15th, 2008, 04:00
Perfect homebrew console for me:
480x272 screen
4 face buttons with shapes on them
2 shoulder buttons
1 analog nub
MemoryStick Pro Duo slot
333MHz Processor
64MB of RAM

Boy, wonder if they'll ever make a console like that...
I sure hope they do!!!! And mabye it would be so unbelievable it could perfecty emulate everyones favourite classic system like the ps1. That be too good to be true. I know Id buy it!!!!!!!!!

April 15th, 2008, 12:56
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b3/Pandora_big.jpg/300px-Pandora_big.jpg (http://openpandora.org/)

April 15th, 2008, 15:09
This is an easy question:

something very similar to the psp but open source. onboard memory, at least 100gb. 2 analogs. great battery life. memory slots, usb ports. capable of emulating the entire n64 library at full speed.

i'd pay $500 for this...happily!

April 15th, 2008, 21:39
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b3/Pandora_big.jpg/300px-Pandora_big.jpg (http://openpandora.org/)

Geez, that looks ugly.

The perfect home TV console for me would be some kind of PC box that:
1) was small and quiet
2) had USB ports that accepted most USB keyboard and Joypads without installing drivers like Windows XP does
3) used SD cards for data storage
4) was powerful enough to emulate computers and consoles up to N64

April 20th, 2008, 15:03
I would say the best homebrew device currently is the ipod touch but I think when the pandora comes out it will own in as long as it looks a little better that its current state.

Best hombrew devide would have:

-4.3" touchscreen

-802.11 g/n wifi

-bluetooth 2.1

-full qwerty keyboard

-4 gb or more built in memory

-lithium ion battery

-2 SDHC card slots

-2 analog sticks

so pretty much the pandora LOL

P.S. Oh by the way whizzbang your pretty much describing the wii lol

April 20th, 2008, 16:56
A handheld with the ability to emulate more demanding SNES games, N64, Gamecube, Genesis/CD/32X, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1/PS2, Xbox, maybe Wii.
And dont forget about Arcade!
It would also have an optional touch screen and be the size of maybe a PSP (although it would have more shoulder buttons and a 2nd analog stick).

And a good web browser/OS.

June 25th, 2009, 14:41
I believe the best homebrew console would be believe it or not:

Something that runs like a pc

you cant take it on the road and attach to the tv

it can do the highest resolutions available today.

it aswell can do most if not any of the emulators available today

but i'd like to see this system not run anything commercial and i mean PC commercial

which of coarse the Pandora would be that system lol

March 15th, 2010, 17:15
A DS with a higher screen resolution, faster CPU and more RAM. The 3 things that severely limit homebrew on the DS. Although there are ways around the latter 2 with the new generation of flash carts!

March 24th, 2010, 11:35
LOL, if it could only emulate Zelda OOT it would be absolutely perfect, of course besides what it can do now
1. bug free
2. fits in your pocket