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View Full Version : Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix Review

September 10th, 2005, 03:50
http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/6942/thug2pspcover20050210boxart160.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

So whats new with Tony Hawk? not much it seems. This game is more of the same Tony Hawk gameplay we all love (or hate). While its true there is little new added to the formula don't dismiss this game as bad, It packs four new levels and a few other "secrets" inside it.

Graphics 4.0/5.0

This game looks damn good and holds up to its big brother on the PS2. It may not get some of the detail in the facial expressions like the PS2 version but its damn fine for a PSP. The game has some draw-in issues but not enough to hinder the games presentaion as a whole. You might notice it on the later levels though. The other thing holding the game back is that Tony Hawk has trouble translating to that tiny and widescreen. This may inprove in later Tony Hawks on the PSP though.

Sound 5.0/5.0

Absolutely fantastic to say the least. despite being on a handheld it supports a full soundtrack ranging from pop-punk hip-hop (consitent throughout the series). Say good-bye to that GBA rock. Another impressive feat was a full voice cast from the likes of your favorite skaters and our whiny leading-dude. Headphones recommended as voices don't sound so nice out of the PSP's tiny speakers.

Control 4.0/5.0

Tony Hawk feels alot more stiff then in previous reincarnations. Though this is mostly due to the PSP's design rather then the developers fault. Being a first release the Neversoft tried to clone the PS2's control scheme. The translation was rough and maybe in later adaptations we'll see a control set-up more suited for our PSP's.

Gameplay 4.0/5.0

Easily the best portable Tony and maybe even the best yet. The new levels and stiff controls make it even with its home console versions. Overall its a great game with addicting gameplay. But when you think of it, its still the same old Tony ( :) ).

September 11th, 2005, 11:23
Thanks for another great review ;)

September 12th, 2005, 02:37
Good job Kaiser this is one of the 5-6 psp games that I own.

I'll probably do a review on Tiger Woods 05 my fav game