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View Full Version : ds help really needed plz

April 16th, 2008, 10:28
hi there hope this is now posted in the right place plz bear with me i have a nintendo ds lite which came with a firecard & sum games on a disc which i transfered 2 the card & seems 2 be workin ok so far though does sumtimes have a problem connectin 2 the laptop ! but havin 3 ds's in total i wanted more so instead of another firecard i purchased a 2gb microsd card not knowin but do now that i require a m3 adaptor for it but have read people have a lot of problems with them so what is the best m3 or firecard ???? i want 2 purchase a few 2 copy for friends etc any help very appreciated as i really know nothing there my childrens ds's :confused:

April 16th, 2008, 10:48
i know the R4 is good, but no GBA support though, so maybe a M3DSreal? look it up, a review or something and see if it fit four needs (or your childrens:D)

April 16th, 2008, 11:11
ok i will try that thanks i did get told r3 is better than r4 there are so many it is so confusing :-S

April 28th, 2008, 01:47
Get an M3 Real. It supports all ds games and apps. You can't play gba games without a slot 2 (gba) card, but you can't on any card.