View Full Version : MAMEdOX or MAMEoX128 Plus! ?????

April 18th, 2008, 08:36
What's the difference between MAMEdOX and MAMEoX128 Plus! on the xbox?

I've got mamedox running nicely on my standard soft modded xbox but wanted to know if it was worth checking out the other emu? I read somewhere that one feature on 'MAMEoX128 Plus!' was that it supports the 128mb xbox upgrade - but seeing as mines standard this doesn't really apply?


edit: No worries... people on http://theplayground-uk.com/ have answered my questions! :)

April 18th, 2008, 21:04
I myself use KawaX for CPS1/CPS2/Neo Geo games (although I've heard that FBA-XXX Pro is better) and BendermameoX for everything else.

Btw, Mortal Kombat 1 and NBA Jam work near perfect in MameX 0.86

April 21st, 2008, 11:34
I myself use KawaX for CPS1/CPS2/Neo Geo games (although I've heard that FBA-XXX Pro is better) and BendermameoX for everything else.

Btw, Mortal Kombat 1 and NBA Jam work near perfect in MameX 0.86

Yep I also use the kawax for the cps and neo geo stuff. My other fav is Nebula's CPS3 emu 'cpx3' as this plays the few CPS3 games perfectly!

You mentioned mamex 0.86 ...is that different to the maedox? I asume so as I've tried Nba jam and Narc on on my xbox (which is just standard and hasn't had the 128mb ram upgrade) and although they work then run super slow. :(

December 26th, 2008, 01:16
I myself use KawaX for CPS1/CPS2/Neo Geo games (although I've heard that FBA-XXX Pro is better) and BendermameoX for everything else.

Btw, Mortal Kombat 1 and NBA Jam work near perfect in MameX 0.86

:rofl: i think you are right , and i will have a look on it , i think you are so professional