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View Full Version : Al-Quran for PSP V1.4

April 18th, 2008, 20:59
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah and Peace be upon you dear forumers and gamers.

I’m glad to announce that Al-Quran for PlayStation Portable version 1.4 released. in this update, there’s changes to

1. major changes on the interface.
2. no more analog stick control.
3. no more key-in surah number.
4. and other mini-gus
5. the big thing is, a French translation.




Thanks to Lionel Jamal-U-Dine from Islam De France for the French Translation. You can download Al-Quran for PSP in French Translation from his website. And here we would like to announce the third website that is authorized to host Al-Quran for PSP is Islamdefrance.fr Should you have any question ( in french language :P ) please ask him.


head over here

Al-Quran PSP V1.4 (http://raise.flavert.com/2008/04/16/al-quran-for-psp-v14/)

Kindly please check the readme.txt on how to install and use Al-Quran for PSP. If you find any bug, problem, or need assistance, please make use of the comment section.

Lastly, spread this news to everybody. may God peace and blessings be upon you

April 19th, 2008, 01:15
salaams bro

thanks, ill try this out tomorrow

i found the previous version abit hard to use

hope this one is easier

April 19th, 2008, 01:58
aslamalukum and thanks for this. I did not even know there was a previous version.

April 19th, 2008, 03:45
Looks good if your into religion. Nice job. I'm not religious so ya, but looks good for people who are :)

April 19th, 2008, 07:58
waalaikum alsalam, thank you for this, it is more useful than you can possibly imagine...

April 20th, 2008, 11:03
thank you ,

April 21st, 2008, 00:04
wow thats cool :D
I will tell my friends about it ;)

May 26th, 2009, 00:10
is it a full complete Quran with no pages missing?

May 26th, 2009, 01:53
is it a full complete Quran with no pages missing?

This one is complete

the other release has some chapters missing

its still a work in progress