View Full Version : Dreamcast in car
September 13th, 2005, 01:35
hello to everyone,Im thinquing about put my dreamcast in my car but i dont know how, Somebody knows?
September 13th, 2005, 17:08
Welcome to the forums! :)
For power either...
1) Just buy a ciggarette to mains plug adaptor. Then plug your DC in normally.
2) Replace the PSU with a circuit that takes the 12V and seperates it into the 12,5,3.3V needed, it would be pretty easy. Just use some resistors as potential dividers and that's it.
Then plug the AV into a small LCD screen where ever in the car.
It depends how much you want to integrate it. You could redesign the case and fit it somewhere, or just sit it on the back seat.
September 13th, 2005, 18:46
for power you'll need dc-dc converters, potential dividers don't work for high current rates ptr.exe (since tension is related to the current drained, if you want to have a "correct" tension value, the current drained must be less than the tenth of the current in the resistors, for example if you use a 1ohms and a 4ohms resistors to divide 5V into 1V it'll work if there's no load, but tension will drop to 0,6V if you drain 500mA).
September 13th, 2005, 18:49
and the resistors I used for these calculations would consume 5W for a drained power of 0,5W... not good.
September 14th, 2005, 00:23
im thinking about to use a simple circuit, to the 5v i'm gonna use a 7805, and to 3.3 a lm317 with a potenciometer...If somebody knows where in the psu i connect this voltages?
September 14th, 2005, 07:30
the lm317 alone will not give you enough current. In my DC in PC project, i used two in paralell for the power from 5v to 3.3 and it wasn't enough to power the DC. Three should work according to how many amps 2 seemed to be giving (the DC can draw up to around 2.5 from the 3.3 line). I can't remember exactly how it works, maybe taking from 12v ->3.3 will give you a slightly higher current but it still won't be enough with just one.
September 14th, 2005, 16:25
potential dividers don't work for high current rates ptr.exe
I learn something new everyday! :)
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